This week I automated my AC, a Fujitsu ASU12CQ.
For that I used an Arduino Nano with an IR led and a RF433 receiver, the goal is to put it directly into the AC as there is enough space, and I will power it with a transformer. (I didn’t finish the installation at this time, for now the Arduino is hanging on the kitchen counter top , but I finished all the code part).
I spent much of my time on decoding the IR sequence. I found some project for this remote but most of them was containing the code for each temperature in each mode etc… It was heavy, so I wanted to generate the IR sequence myself, and, also because the Arduino Nano was not able to store all these codes as the storage is really low.
Here is the architecture of this project:
[HomeAssistant] —> MQTT —> [Fuji MQTT Server] —> RF433 —> [Arduino Nano] —> IR —> [AC]
For HA, I used a MQTT Climate component:
platform: mqtt
name: Climatisation
initial: 22
precision: 1.0
min_temp: 18
max_temp: 30
fan_mode_command_topic: fujiac/fan/set
fan_mode_state_topic: fujiac/state/get
fan_mode_state_template: "{{ value_json.fan_mode }}"
mode_command_topic: fujiac/mode/set
mode_state_topic: fujiac/state/get
mode_state_template: "{{ value_json.mode }}"
swing_mode_command_topic: fujiac/swing/set
swing_mode_state_topic: fujiac/state/get
swing_mode_state_template: "{{ value_json.swing }}"
temperature_command_topic: fujiac/temperature/set
temperature_state_topic: fujiac/state/get
temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json.temperature }}"
current_temperature_topic: fujiac/state/get
current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.temperature }}"
- "auto"
- "off"
- "cool"
- "dry"
- "fan_only"
- "auto"
- "high"
- "medium"
- "low"
- "quiet"
- "on"
- "off"
Here is the code for the Arduino https://github.com/william57m/fujitsu-ac-arduino
And here is the code for my MQTT server https://github.com/william57m/fujitsu-ac-mqtt-server
And here is a video in action: