Fujitsu Air Conditioning integration - Airstage dongle

Yes! I’m also not the best one, but I can try helping or debugging. I also have some friends I might be able to activate. I tried some other CURL commands as well I found in this post and I can start/stop the AC as well.

Actually you don’t need the app at all.
Installation Flow:
Connect to the local Airco WIFI with a device.
Find out the Airco IP
Open browser and fill in http://aircoipaddress/aplist?lang=0
Select the local WIFI network you want to join + give in password.
Then the Airco joins your local wifi network.
Find out local ip of the airco that is joined to your wifi network.
Then you can use the rest integration stuff I posted (where you replace it with your airco ip offcourse) and most of it should work.


Yeah no clue on the temperature conversion. I just assumed it was Farenheit * 1000…

I think the only commands we don’t have yet are the ones for the Airflow Direction…

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This is such good news!! And thank you for pointing us here from the other thread.

I had the same issue and was tearing my hair out, I don’t suppose you have a UniFi router? I did and ended up having to create a new network and associated 2.4Ghz only SSID, the settings that seemed to make it work were:

• Disable BSS Transition
• Disable Multicast Enhancement
• Disable IGMP Snooping

Oh and after endless back and forth with pretty much useless Fuji tech support I did get them to tell me how to get a proper crash log out of Airstage:

  1. Launch AIRSTAGE Mobile.
  2. Open the “Setting” tab.
  3. Open the “Environment Setting”
  4. Press and hold “Version” for 5 seconds. Please refer to the image.
  5. [Device_Log.txt] is generated.

In my logs I was getting lots of “getCurrentGatewayIpInWlan]Failed”, hence eventually creating a new LAN on my Unifi DMP with the settings mentioned in other post. The app then registered correctly and works as designed, although I am very excited to replace it with a HA integration.

Thanks a lot for all the support. I do have an eero wireless network combining 2,4 GHz and 5GHz. However I also have a Fritzbox I can configure to broadcast 2,4Ghz only. I might give it a try. I will also try to generate the Logfile. However I’m more looking towards the HA ingetration in order to automate a lot around them.

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I found this HACS addon which looks like it should allow us to combine all the various REST calls into a Home Assistant Climate entity which would be great. I can’t figure out how to get it all working but you guys might:

Also has anyone worked out how to get and set the operation mode - heat/cool/dry etc?

I have 2 aircons running with the rest commands you posted. Set temp is also not working for me at the moment. However I recognized, that if I paste your code in the template editor I get this result:

{% set bedroomtemp = states('input_number.klima_arbeit_temperatur') * 10 %}
      {"device_id":"DEVICE_ID","device_sub_id":0,"req_id":"","modified_by":"","set_level":"02","value"{"iu_set_temp":"{{ bedroomtemp }}"}}

  "device_id": "DEVICE_ID",
  "device_sub_id": 0,
  "req_id": "",
  "modified_by": "",
  "set_level": "02",
  "value": {
    "iu_set_temp": ""

when I change the code to convert the sensor into INT I get this result:

 {% set bedroomtemp = states('input_number.klima_arbeit_temperatur')  | int  * 10 %}
      {"device_id":"DEVICE_ID","device_sub_id":0,"req_id":"","modified_by":"","set_level":"02","value":{"iu_set_temp":"{{ bedroomtemp }}"}}

  "device_id": "DEVICE_ID",
  "device_sub_id": 0,
  "req_id": "",
  "modified_by": "",
  "set_level": "02",
  "value": {
    "iu_set_temp": "210"

THis should work, however that still doesn’t give me the desired result to set the temperature. Did you make any progress here?

I solved the SET TEMPERATUR issue. It is a combination of the

I int

in combination with a typo.

your command needs to be “iu_set_tmp”, however your code is “iu_set_temp”

this results in:

{% set bedroomtemp = states('input_number.klima_arbeit_temperatur')  | int  * 10 %}
      {"device_id":"DEVICE_ID","device_sub_id":0,"req_id":"","modified_by":"","set_level":"02","value":{"iu_set_tmp":"{{ bedroomtemp }}"}}

hope that helps :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot, I’ve updated my original post as well so people don’t copy bad stuff :slight_smile:


I’ve had a look through the steps to create a new HA integration but it would take me so much additional research / failing / youtube tutorials to get anywhere it’s just not worth it personally. Feels like this one would take someone experienced hardly any time at all, lets hope an HA god happens to buy one of these AC units and finds this thread soon…

Thanks @pietervanh for pointing me here from the other topic.

@edmooredop I’ve seen that there’s an integration for many different AC units by deiger that was originally for HiSense units but has since added support for many different brands. It’s what I’d have used to get FGLair running if Fujitsu didn’t move to Airstage. I’ll try and contact them on github, show them this thread, and see if they’d be interested in including the new fujitsu units in their integration. Maybe they are the HA god we’re looking for!


Sounds perfect

Hello all,

Just a quick reply to thank you all for the work and effort already put into this!
I’m about to test the things you guys have discovered.

FWIW, the difference between the WJ3E and WH3E modules are the following

  • WJ3E: has to be connected to the ‘main’ board of the aircon unit
  • WH3E: is a plug-and-play module delivered when ordering a unit with wifi-capable configuration

WJ3E (don’t have a picture available at the moment, will upload it at a later stage)


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Meanwhile I got my 5 ACs installed using my backup Fritzbox, so I can control all of them locally with Home Assistant and over the cloud using the app.
For controlling with HA I use basically the commands posted by @pietervanh . I was wondering if anyone found out how to change the mode from cooling to fan or heating.
However controlling the devices with REST services is quite cumbersome. Unfortunatelly I’m not a HA guru, but willing to test and contribute if anyone would take the lead to develop an integration.

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@gorstj can you sniff out the last rest commands:
swing things
and all the heating / cooling buttons

If not I can lend mac again to sniff myself but that might still take a week or 2…

Which tool do I need to use to do the sniffing?

@pietervanh thanks a lot for your workaround and everyone for contribution!

I could do some more research next weekend and post the results here.

Regarding an app integration I had the naive idea of taking kind of similar plugin as a skeleton and implement the api calls with some glue functions where necessary. But as far as I am not a pro either I would need some time to get this started and just briefly took a look into some code weeks ago. Maybe this is a project similar enough to start with: GitHub - SebuZet/samsungrac: Home Assistant Climate Device for controlling (not only) Samsung AC

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