FULL bluetooth proxy for tablets/mobiles running companion app

It would be a great feature that could allow to integrate bl devices into HA and use them in better ways (sending audio streams to multiroom system).
Can we have a bluetooth proxy buil into the companion app?
I think it only supports BLE devices so far.

The app supports neither BLE nor regular Bluetooth proxying. Mobile operating systems do not permit low level access to Bluetooth radios, necessary to build out this functionality. It would be cool, but it can’t be done.

Sadly very very unlikely to impossible. Unlike an esp32 you can have ten different android devices which have 10 different bluetooth chips beside you find different kernel versions from 3.x to maybe 5.x or even 6.x (that could be more than 10 years of kernels)…

But you can get a esp32-c3 board for around $2 which gets the job done already today

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Yes. Go the $2 route.