Full weather card lovelace support for sensors


It would be great if the lovelace UI weather card would fully support weather sensors, that are not an official HA weather-integration but rather DIY.

I’ve build my own weather-sensor-integration, based on my own weather sensors and additional local weather-forecast station data. All this data is stored in MQTT and constantly updated and then fed to HA as MQTT sensor. The content and data format of this sensor is the same, as any other weather integration, but it’s in the “sensor” namespace, not in the “weather” namespace. This seems to cause problems with the weather card.

Here you can see the state of the weather sensor.

As you can see, the data structure is identical to an official weather integration.

Current state
I can use my sensor in the weather card, and most of it works:
Ashampoo_Snap_Wednesday, 24 June 2020_19h46m35s_005_
In this view only the “sunny” is written in lower case, so this is a minor problem. But once I click the weather card, to get the weather details, the incompatibility is more apparent:

It is basically treated as any normal sensor and is missing all the nice icons and the forecare view is completely broken.

Would be great if the weather card would support sensors like this as well, instead of just weather integrations, as this would probably encourage other users to build their own weather sensors as well.