Full weather output

Trying to build my weather display, and need to create some sensors for various weather conditions for future days & hours; I know how to parse the values I need, but when I pull up the weather sensor in developer tools, it’s only showing the current weather data, not any of the foretasted data. I feel like it used to show the full output, but now it does not, and I’m not sure how to show the full output, any ideas?

Using the tomorrow.io weather platform.

This is all the data I get from a daily sensor- which should have 7 days of data, but it’s hidden…

Where’s all the forecast data?

I can’t parse it if I can’t see it…


The forecast attribute has been deprecated and removed from HA. You’ll need to use the new weather.get_forecast() service.

Thank you, this lead me to the answer I was looking for! I was using the weather.get_forecast() service, but didn’t know the JSON placement to know how to reference, for say the high 2 days from now, without seeing the actual JSON output. But running the weather.get_forecast() on it’s own gave me that info- so thank you.

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