FullBAckup, what to hell is going on/happened

i use samba backup for creating a FullBackup and and store it on a share every morning at 2 AM
up to Dec 19th the backup took always around 2 hours,
since Dec 20th the backup takes always around 0.5 hours.

What happened to HomeAssistant ?

Look inside the backups (they are just compressed archives). What is missing?

Nothing is missing and that’s what i’m wondering about in case of using only a quarter of time.

I’m seeing this too. I do daily partial backups and weekly full backups. The full backups include a 4.5MB InfluxDB database and 2.5GB MariaDB database. The full backups have gone from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. All data I expect is still in the backup. I can probably move to doing daily full backups now.

I suspect @bdraco has been performing his optimisation magic. Maybe enabling more than one CPU core to process the backup (just a guess)?

Likely this PR Use non-streaming mode and default compression level 6 by agners · Pull Request #22 · pvizeli/securetar · GitHub

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