Fully functional esp8266 01 module library to use MQTT on Arduino


Somehow, I am struggling to get an fully functional library to use MQTT using Arduino Uno + ESP8266 01 module.

I could use Arduino with ESP8266 for wifi. But the not getting sketch which would make MQTT calls with this set-up.

Previously, I used ESP8266 NodeMCU 12E module independently for MQTT, however I thought of Arduino for more analogue pins, which I could use as digital as well if i wish.

ESP8266 NodeMCU gives me 13 digital pins and 1 analogue pin. Arduino gives me 14 digital pin (2 gone for RX/TX) and 6 analogue pins.

Could use additional pins for fan / temperature / humidity, etc.

If no suitable library found, going back to ESP8266 NodeMCU as exit strategy.

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