Fully kiosk adding sensor

Hi I’ve added fullykiosk and trying to add “motionDetectorState” to mqtt, I have no idea how to do it
can some give me an example please to how should I add it to configuration.yaml?

There are so many unknowns with this question.

Do you already have MQTT set up?
Do you have MQTT set up in FullyKiosk?
Have you already got sensors set up with FullyKiosk?

Let us know what you have done already to try and figure this out.

two first questions-yes
third, no, I didn’t succeed in any sensor
last night added this to sensors.yaml

 - platform: mqtt
    name: "Kitchen Tablet Motion"
    state_topic: 'fully/event/onMotion/9fbee389-cbfe6bbc'
    device_class: motion
    off_delay: 10
    payload_on: 'on'
    payload_off: 'off'
    value_template: "{% if value_json.event == 'onMotion' %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}"
    qos: 1

and when using mqtt explorer I can see motion sensor
but at the mqtt integration there is no sign of the fully kiosk (only the one I added through wall panel)
and I can’t find in in my entities

Seems weird that you can see it in mqtt explorer but not in the mqtt integration.
Are you sure HA is connected to the MQTT broker correctly? As in, can you see anything else MQTT in HA?

yes I can see all entities added (automatically) by wall panel


but nothing from fully kiosk

and if you search for binary_sensor.kitchen_tablet_motion in Developer Tools > States there is nothing?

no, nothing