Fully Kiosk and a Tablet suggestion

Hi Guys, I would like to add a Tablet to my HA and want to check which is a good tablet to use. I see many people use the Amazon fire tablet. Would the Fire HD 8 Or HD 10 work with HA & Fully Kiosk?
What must I look out for in the tablet and know which Fire tablets don’t work etc.
Your suggestions will be appreciate it


Interested in this also. Any more info you received from other forums?

I’m using the FireHD10 Wallmounted with a 3D-printed wall mount. Works great with fully kiosk!

There is a tool called “Fire Toolbox” which you can use to deactivate all the Amazon stuff (e.g. ads etc.)

I also use fire 10’s (5 wall mounted in home) they work great. I use wallpanel and really like it.

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