Fully Kiosk and Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 theme issue

I have a samsung tab a8 with Fully Kiosk configured on it.

I can’t manage to have the tablet switching the theme from dark to light and vice versa. I did a Fully Kiosk reset the other day to enable one single feature at the time. The tablet switched from light to dark at sunset (following the tablet OS mode) but didn’t switch back to light in the morning. Even setting the theme in the HA service tool won’t impact the tablet.

How do you guys manage this on Android tablets?


I do it with Browser Mod to change the actual dashboard theme at sunset each night.

H can you let me know how?

Use the Browser mod: set_theme service and set them to Dark Mode

I have exactly the same tablet and exactly the same problem. I reported it with Fully Kiosk support and they cannot fix it…

Dark mode is working, it is impossible to exit dark mode. A restart of Fully Kiosk is needed to exit dark mode.

You need to create an automation in HA that uses Browser_mod to change Fully Kiosk theme from dark to light or light to dark.

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That would be a possible workaround.

Out of the box it switches perfectly from light to dark mode at sunset. The question is: why doesn’t it work the other way around at sunrise?

A few months ago it worked fine both ways. An update must have broken it.

Edit: the suggested workaround works fine.

I’m having this same issue with Fully Kiosk being stuck in dark mode on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7. I can’t get the workaround to work. Would you share a snippet of your code or automation? Trying to see which entity you are using as the target for this service.

alias: Tablet keuken dag stand
description: ""
  - platform: sun
    event: sunrise
    offset: 0
condition: []
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: state
          - sensor.tablet_keuken_browser_visibility
  - service: browser_mod.set_theme
    metadata: {}
      dark: light
      device_id: f0485bee5a4399e464d8d37ee6d71719
mode: single

This works for me about 90% of the time. I had to use the wait for trigger, because the entities of my Galaxy tab become unavailable after a short time. So it switches the first time the screen comes on after sunrise.

I have a second script for switching to dark at sunset.

Still haven’t figured out why it still fails sometimes.

I use this and as long as browser_mod entity is on, it works. Sometimes the tablet won’t check in with the browser_mod integration because of some missing restart or something. But this is the best I could come up with.

alias: "Theme: Change Light/Dark"
description: ""
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sun.sun
condition: []
  - service: browser_mod.set_theme
      theme: minimal
      dark: "{{ iif(is_state('sun.sun', 'above_horizon'), 'light', 'dark') }}"
mode: single