Fully Kiosk Browser now supports MQTT

Fully Kiosk doesn’t implement HA’s autodiscovery so you have to configure it in HA yourself.

I use the following to make a simple battery sensor and put the full device info in the sensor’s attributes. Just replace <mqtt_topic> with the topic you configured in Fully Kiosk Browser.

  - platform: mqtt
    name: tablet_battery
    state_topic: "<mqtt_topic>/device_info"
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.batteryLevel | int }}"
    json_attributes_topic: "<mqtt_topic>/device_info"
    device_class: battery

Another option is to use the HACS integration instead of MQTT, it is quite powerful.

:open_mouth: Thank you!

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Trying to work out if it is possible to create a binary sensor which is true when fully detects motion. I looked here but the MQTT integration has changed so the YAML here no longer works: Fully Kiosk Browser ScreenOn ScreenOff binary sensor

As I am using motion detection on the tablet to set the screen brightness I thought maybe I could indirectly use that to work out when motion is detected. So I tried this which pulls all the JSON into the sensor attributes but the state stays as UNKNOWN. Can anyone help with showing how I can have a sensor which goes true for a short period if motion is detected?

    - name: tablet_motion_detected
      state_topic: "fully/event/onMotion/3571d082-16ee5c32"
      payload_available: visual
      force_update: true
      json_attributes_topic: "fully/deviceInfo/3571d082-16ee5c32"
      value_template: "{% if value_json.screenBrightness > 100 %}
                       {% else %}
                       {% endif %}"

If you adopt this to the new format it should work

Thank you thank you this saved me today. Working on a kiosk for my BnB and was trying to get the battery switch thing working so I can tell the tablet when to charge.

Anyone know how to do this today, unfortunately the method proposed in your link @kajmaj seems deprecated in December 2022 with a link to THIS as the new way, however I am almost out of hair trying to figure out how to get events to work, the device info works fine but events are not.

I’ve tried with the $event and without (below) but nothing seems to show up on the fully_wall_tab_events entity that gets created.

In my configuration.yaml

      - state_topic: fullykios/walltab/devinfo
        name: fully_wall_tab
        json_attributes_topic: fullykios/walltab/devinfo
      - state_topic: fullykios/walltab/event
        name: fully_wall_tab_events
        json_attributes_topic: fullykios/walltab/event

Fully Settings