Anyone else notice in the most recent update (1.34) of FKB that it now supports MQTT? I’ve set it up but don’t seem to be getting anything published to my broker. Any other experiences?
edit: BTW, The option to turn on MQTT is in Other Settings.
Anyone else notice in the most recent update (1.34) of FKB that it now supports MQTT? I’ve set it up but don’t seem to be getting anything published to my broker. Any other experiences?
edit: BTW, The option to turn on MQTT is in Other Settings.
and just found this in the docs on their website
Starting Fully Kiosk Browser 1.34 we support publishing device info and major device events to the MQTT broker. You can setup the broker URL and credentials in Other Settings.The complete device info will be published every 60 seconds as /fully/deviceInfo/[deviceId] topic (retaining, QOS=1).
Events will be published as /fully/event/[eventId]/[deviceId] topic (non-retaining, QOS=1). Following events are implemented for now: screenOn, screenOff, pluggedAC, pluggedUSB, pluggedWireless, unplugged, networkReconnect, networkDisconnect, internetReconnect, internetDisconnect, powerOn, powerOff, showKeyboard, hideKeyboard, onMotion, onDarkness, onMovement, volumeUp, volumeDown, onQrScanCancelled, onBatteryLevelChanged.
and figured out the address to your broker needs to be in the format tcp://<address>:<port>
THANK YOU! Kept getting a message from Fully that the MQTT had failed and hadn’t a clue why. I was running until I installed Lineage the Fire specific version of Fully and I’m SURE this wasn’t a requirement on that version of Fully. Anyway. Working now. Thanks!
@daneboom I can’t get MQTT to connect on the Kindle Fire version of Fully either. I’m running FireOS though, are you running Lineage OS?
Oops, I was using port 1833 instead of 1883!
Anyone have luck getting MQTT auto discovery in HA to work with Fully Kiosk? It appears to publish to its own topic “fully” and I don’t see a way to change that setting. Side note, if anyone can share the yaml to add all Fully sensors to HA manually I’d appreciate it.
I am using these and you can probably figure out how to write templates for any others you want by using these. I took these from
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "fully/event/onMotion/5dxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx"
name: fully_shield
json_attributes_topic: fully/deviceInfo/5dxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
- platform: template
# #
# #
friendly_name: Power cord connected
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'isPlugged', true) %} Yes {% else %} No {% endif %}
icon_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'isPlugged', true) %} mdi:power-plug {% else %} mdi:power-plug-off {% endif %}
friendly_name: Storage
icon_template: mdi:sd
unit_of_measurement: '%'
value_template: >
{% if is_state('sensor.fully_shield', 'unavailable') %}
{% else %}
{{ 100 - ( state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'internalStorageFreeSpace') /
state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'internalStorageTotalSpace') * 100 ) | int }}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: Memory
icon_template: mdi:memory
unit_of_measurement: '%'
value_template: >
{% if is_state('sensor.fully_shield', 'unavailable') %}
{% else %}
{{ 100 - ( state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'ramFreeMemory') /
state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'ramTotalMemory') * 100 ) | int }}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: Camera
icon_template: mdi:camera
value_template: >-
{% if is_state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'motionDetectorState', 0) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
friendly_name: Battery
unit_of_measurement: '%'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'batteryLevel') }}"
icon_template: >-
{% set battery_level = state_attr('sensor.fully_shield', 'batteryLevel')|int('unknown') %}
{% set battery_round = (battery_level|int / 10)|int * 10 %}
{% if battery_level == 'unknown' %}
{% else %}
{% if battery_round >= 100 %}
{% elif battery_round > 0 %}
mdi:battery-{{ battery_round }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Thanks for the help - this worked well for me! Have to put in a feedback request on Fully to support auto discovery though, especially as often as I see their app mentioned in HA related forums.
Hm, strange.
I did copy/paste of your config and changed MyDeviceId only and none of sensors work.
FullyKioskBrowser device is apparently connected to mqtt broker.
You say FKB is “apparently” connected to your broker. How did you check this and is FKB posting messages to the broker with the topics you are using for your sensors?
@atomicpapa Just a note on your config above, I am new to MQTT so may be misunderstanding, but it seemed odd to me that your config was watching the onMotion message and then using that to report battery updates. I thought it may cause the battery level to not report changes unless there is motion detected. I am trying out the below instead and it seems to work regardless of motion:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "fully/event/onBatteryLevelChanged/my-device-id"
name: fully_battery_onchanged
device_class: battery
value_template: "{{ value_json.level }}"
That will work as well. I was just throwing out an example.
Good point
MQTT.fx shows that there are used two device id’s from the FKB
First one is automatically created by the FKB, second one ???
Nonetheless I’ve changed it accordingly and now it works. Thank you
Glad to help!
Can HA trigger things such as turn on screen via mqtt in fully?
FullyKiosk has not such a functionality
Not via MQTT but you can turn the screen on with the REST interface
I just setup the FKB and configured MQTT settings. Through MQTT Explorer, I can only see the topic “fully/deviecInfo/{deviceID}” published.
Could I be missing some configuration as I do not see the topic “fully/event/onBatteryLevelChanged/{deviceID}” ?
Also, what does it take to enable auto-discovery on FKB incase I want to add more tablet dashboards in the future ?
Did you get an answer to this? I see a lot of posts about MQTT not connecting and throwing an error, but I’ve fixed that. It comes up in MQTT Explorer just fine. But no Devices or Entities show up in Home Assistant.