Fully Kiosk - browser window goes white, requires tablet reboot

I’m posting this in case someone else has encountered a similar issue. I have a wall-mounted Fire 10 tablet running Fully Kiosk. It mostly works well, but it hasn’t gone 48 hours (maybe 24?) without running into this issue: the browser screen is completely whited out. It happens whether I have Kiosk Mode enabled or not. I can bring up the Fully Kiosk sidebar, I can navigate settings, but doing a Load Start URL does nothing. The sure-fire solution is to restart the tablet, at which point Fully Kiosk will reload the start URL, which is my main Lovelace view for the tablet. Sometimes it requires I login to HA again; sometimes not, so I don’t feel it’s logging me out and refusing to load the page.

I’ve been leaving Kiosk Mode off while I try to diagnose this. It could be related to the FK settings, but I have looked through and found nothing I think would contribute. All of my delete cache, cookies, history, etc., settings are off. Keep Screen On is on. Unlock Screen is on.

I just went to login the remote admin page, and couldn’t get to it. I couldn’t even ping the tablet. I went over to it and, sure enough, white screen–just an hour after the last reboot! I can now log in remotely.

I’ve just changed “Custom Error URL” to the start URL, and set “Redirect Blocked URL to Start URL” on, just in case. But since I can’t even reload it manually, I don’t think this will fix anything.

The failure to ping when this happens concerns me. Does anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: maybe it’s related to this: “Wi-Fi doesn’t turn back on automatically”? What? This is my first Fire tablet, so maybe the WiFi times out or something… clicking on that setting doesn’t give me the option to keep WiFi on… sorry for the potato photo. Screen shots are much easier in FK.

EDIT 2: I found a setting called, “Automatic Smart Suspend,” which apparently turns off WiFi during periods of non-use. It will be a little while to see if that actually works, so I’ll leave this post up in the meantime. I searched the Settings menu for “disable” to find that. I suppose “smart” would also work. Anyway, my Wi-Fi preferences still state it doesn’t turn back on automatically…

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Well… unfortunately, that didn’t do it. The tablet is still going white after some time. I’m looking for any ideas.

EDIT: I enabled “pull down to refresh,” and when the screen is white, pulling down just results in a spinning progress icon… presumably because there’s no internet connection. I still lose the ability to ping it when this happens.

EDIT 2: I’ve blocked the MAC for this tablet to my 5GHz channels. There’s some evidence on Reddit that suggests the Fire Tablets prefer 2.4GHz and don’t shut off WiFi (as much?) when on a 2.4GHz channel. We’ll see.

EDIT 3: Still happening on 2.4GHz. Static IP defined at router.

Im having the same issue. I have tried both v1.45 and 1.46. I even pulled out a brand new Fire 10 11th Gen yesterday and it does the exact same thing.

It works the first 10 minutes or so, and the next time it wakes its just a white screen.

That’s odd. Good to know it isn’t (wasn’t?) just me.

I reset my FK settings to defaults, then slowly built them back up to where I had them. I no longer have the issue of the white screen. Once in the last few weeks, the screen has turned on with the HA dashboard showing the “reload” message… but every other time, it’s worked as intended.

Would you mind posting the json of your FK settings so I can compare?

Here are mine: Fully Kiosk Browser - White screening - Pastebin.com

Sure, and thanks for the introduction to PasteBin.

EDIT: It’s probably worth mentioning that I’m using Llama Lab’s Automate with an automation flow to keep WiFi active on the tablet. While I can’t be sure that was the problem (and it probably wasn’t), it doesn’t hurt to keep the tablet connected full-time.

Thanks! I will compare your json with my posted json and the one Im running now to see what the differences are.

On your suggestion, I uninstalled FK and then started adding settings one at a time. So, far, its working as expected. Off the top of my head, I dont recall what I didnt set.

After it was up and running for a full day, I copied the config to my other tablet and it had worked as expected as well.

Also, I have not seen wifi drop on the tablet at all.

I just wanted to add that I have been seeing the same issue on a regular android phone (not Fire tablet) on which I have installed Fully Kiosk. It’s an old Oneplus 5 phone.

Actually, it was working well for a couple of weeks but after tweaking with the fully kiosk settings I started to get this white screen error. I haven’t been able to resolve it but I will try to nuke the fully kiosk settings and start fresh since it sounds like that is what worked here.

I never was able to figure out which setting caused it. I wiped one of my tablets, set up the bare minimum settings, left it for a couple of weeks and it worked fine. I then turned on remote mgmt features and its been working fine since.

Just to confirm for anyone else looking here, removing and reinstalling fully worked for me too. In my case, I had imported setting from an older version of fully and suspect that was the cause of the white screen issue. Starting from scratch stopped the problem.

Hi guys
(version: 1.54-play)

I found that if you set the “Power settings / Prevent from Sleep while Screen Off” to off, it stops trying to reboot and crash.

When it is on i get this error in the log:

3030 3030 W ResourceType: For resource 0x7f030020, entry index(32) is beyond type entryCount(10)

Untill it tries to reboot and fails.

When it is off, there are no errors in the log.

Hope this helps.

I know this is old, but I’m also having the issue. And the FK setting “Power settings / Prevent from Sleep while Screen Off” is disabled for Kindle Fires.

Does anyone else have a definitive answer?

I have the same issue with Fully Kiosk Browser running on a Lenovo TB132FU tablet. I use lovelace-wallpaper as a screensaver and was initially concerned that it might be at fault but I’m reasonably convinced it’s not the issue.

The issue is very easy to reproduce. Tap on the screen or interact with the web content at least once after (re-)starting the Fully Kiosk browser. Then log into the Fully Kiosk remote admin console, select the “Load Start URL” action and click “Go!”. Alternatively, if you have the Fully Kiosk integration installed in Home Assistant, send the “Press” action to the “Load Start URL” entity. Either way, the screen goes white.

To restore the device from this state, you can use the Fully Kiosk remote admin console to “Restart Fully app” or send the “Press” action to the “Restart browser” entity. Unfortunately I haven’t found a way to remotely detect whether the device has entered this state and needs to be kicked, so it’s not a great workaround.

Has anyone reported the issue to the Fully Kiosk developers?

I’ll take a closer look at Fully Kiosk log and Android logcat for clues when I have a moment.

Some discoveries…

The white color can be changed by modifying the Fully Kiosk setting Advanced Settings → Default WebView Background Color. So you can make it black, for example. This behavior confirms that the issue has something to do with how Fully Kiosk interacts with the WebView. I changed the default color to purple just to make the problem more interesting to debug.

I tried disabling Advanced Settings → Recreate Tabs on Reload. It seemed to reduce the likelihood of the issue but resulted in other problems such as the screensaver being aborted prematurely sometimes. I don’t think this is the solution.

I think it’s telling that the white screen (well, purple for me now) goes away after tapping on the screen. My guess is that there’s a default tab loaded over top of the actual content. Something about this smells like a race condition related to how the page is loaded.

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I’ve been having this issue since I changed the start url to the default Home Assistant dashboard, about 3 weeks ago. It also flips the orientation 180° when restarting Fully Kiosk, but this may be a different problem (I have to scroll down to show the quick setting and press on the automatic orientation to restore)

The only way I found to solve it is to close and reopen Fully Kiosk. I’m now checking from outside my house and the remote management for Fully Kiosk is not reachable (it used to be, via Cloudflare), so I guess the WiFi connection of the tablet is dead.

I have an unlocked Fire HD 10.

The white screen of doom is not a wifi or other connectivity issue. Fully Kiosk remains responsive and remotely accessible but it’s showing a solid color instead of the intended content (until the user taps the screen).

I’m still working on narrowing down the cause of the white screen issue, little by little.

  1. It’s not related to a JavaScript error. Using the new Web Console feature in Fully Kiosk v1.54.1, I confirmed there were not any uncaught errors. While loading the Start URL, I see informational messages in the log printed by my HACS frontend integrations. This happens even if the screen stays white. So we can confirm that the dashboard is being loaded and it isn’t showing signs of distress in the console.

  2. It’s not just Home Assistant. Using the Fully Kiosk remote admin console, I was able to provoke a white screen issue simply by repeatedly reloading google.com.

Unfortunately, the only solution I know of is to restart Fully Kiosk when the issue manifests.

I fixed my white screen by disabling the smart wifi on the Fire HD 10. It reloaded the start url every 30 minutes (as per my settings), but the wifi was off, so the white screen appeared and scrolling down to refresh didn’t fix it (just the spinning indicator permanently shown until app close and reopen).

Any other ideas to try and fix this? I keep having this issue every couple of days. Not really finding anything useful in searches.

I’m the OP on this, and my issue hasn’t come back since 2022. I’m still not entirely sure what caused it.