Fully Kiosk Browser

you can create a page in lovelace, or in HAdashboard (or any other) with just a few entities.
wth a little knowledge from javascript, you can also have a changing picture background on HA dashboard and then put as much entities on it as you like.

Love the Star Trek theme… I’d never use it, but still a fan!

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Hi all. I’m doing something wrong and I don’t understand what it can be. I show you the error.

I have the integration added in the configuratiom.yaml file but copy an entire folder with all the python files in the custom_components folder. I don’t know if I should configure something else to be able to access fullykiosk services. Thanks a lot

I can’t for the live of me get the REST sensor and camera to work.

  - platform: generic
    name: Tablet
    still_image_url: "http://[ip]:2323/?cmd=getCamshot&password=[pwd]"


  - platform: rest
    name: "tablet"
      - batteryLevel
      - kioskMode
      - screenBrightness
      - motionDetectorStatus
      - maintenanceMode
      - appFreeMemory
      - appUsedMemory
      - ramFreeMemory
      - ramUsedMemory
      - hostname4
      - ip4
      - Mac
      - locationLatitude
      - locationLongitude
      - altitude
      - startUrl
      - currentPage
    resource: "http://[ip]:2323/?cmd=deviceInfo&type=json&password=[pwd]"
    value_template: '{{ value_json.screenOn }}'

I get the deviceInfo when going through a browser, but from HA the rest sensor never gets created, nor does the camera show anything except the grey frame. I can get the webcam still frame through my browser.

I tried the curl command on the HA command line, but the command above does not return anything unless I also specify a User-Agent:

curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; KFTRWI Build/PS7319; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/87.0.4280.101 Safari/537.36" -X GET "http://[ip]:2323/?cmd=deviceInfo&type=json&&password=[pwd]"

but even adding the User-Agent as a header for the REST sensor does not get me any further.

Running Fully Version 1.44-1 Fire on a Kindle HD10 (most recent model) and HA 2021.12.8 running on a Blue.

Going through the browser I noticed that some of the keys have changed i.e. motionDetectorState is now motionDetectorStatus, so I changed that in the REST configuration above.

Has anyone been able to get this to work recently?

Hi All, I have all things working on a FireHD tablet, apart from viewing my dashboard without the top and side bars! Can anyone help with explaining how to get this working? I have the kios-mode installed, and when I go to lovelace/kiosk on a browser the bars are not present, but with FKB the bars show, even when I add /kiosk to the url

Wallpanel Battery Management works perfect!

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If I recall correctly, you have to hide when you are on the tablet itself. In the sidebar you should see the user icon at the bottom. Click on it and select “Always hide sidebar.” I actually use a modified top bar so I haven’t any idea how to hide it.

Thanks, could you elaborate on your modified top bar?

I used the dashboards function to create a customized interface. Was a while ago when I was just learning HA, so I don’t remember a whole lot, but essentially by adding a new dashboard you are able to create a control panel with its’ own top bar.


Thanks, that’s what I do… just wondered if you were doing something different.

I use https://github.com/maykar/kiosk mode to hide top and side bars

are you sure? the link is broken

sorry, bad copy-paste from mobile

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How did you wall mount it? I am looking for a template. I want to wall mount mine, ideally with an angle, but want to start with an existing one.

Can you clarify how you send kiosk a link to a specific panel view? I cant find any information on how that is currently implemented.

Thank you!

I cannot figure out how to point the screen saver to shared folder on mac. I have tried but i must be doing it wrong or its not supported? anyone have this working? I have a folder full of images on mac i want to use as screensaver so i modified Screensaver Playlist (JSON) to be:

    "type": 3,
    "url": "/Volumes/4TB/Photos",
    "loopItem": false,
    "loopFile": false,
    "fileOrder": 0,
    "nextItemOnTouch": false,
    "nextFileOnTouch": false,
    "nextItemTimer": 0,
    "nextImageFileTimer": 60,
    "nextVideoFileTimer": 0

But just dont work. fully kiosk cannot access folder and it is shared

I create users for each one of my tablets.

I then go in and restrict that tablet user’s visibility access to all views except the one designated for that user.

In the reverse way I had that new tablet specific view from all users except me (the admin) so I can make adjustments to each of the tablet views.

Make sense?

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Exactly the same here :wink:

Can you set up an automation to command a tablet user view to switch to a different view?

Like when an alarm goes off the tablet shows which alarm was triggered (in a scenario with leak sensors for example).

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Why not just make it part of the view? Card like HACS Auto entities is able to do that…
With that, you can make a card, which is only displayed, when an entity is active.