Fully Kiosk Browser

all good, there was an issue with a plugin via HACs working fine now

 - platform: command_line
       command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -X POST ''"
       command_off: "/usr/bin/curl -X POST ''"
       command_state: '/usr/bin/curl --silent -X GET "" |grep "Screen status" |grep "on\|off" |sed "s/<[^>]*>//g" |sed "s/Screen status//g" |sed "s/Turn on//g" |sed "s/Turn off//g"'
       value_template: '{{ value == "on" }}'
       friendly_name: Kitchen Screen 
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I tried to make a fresh installation following the guide. For unknown reason i am unable to switch the tablet screen off. Switch On works fin and I am getting all the data via REST.
Any idears?

 - platform: command_line
       command_on: "/usr/bin/curl -X POST 'http://IP:2323/?cmd=screenOn&type=json&password=Code'"
       command_off: "/usr/bin/curl -X POST 'http://IP:2323/?cmd=screenOff&type=json&password=Code'"
       command_state: '/usr/bin/curl --silent -X GET "http://IP:2323/?password=Code" |grep "Screen status" |grep "on\|off" |sed "s/<[^>]*>//g" |sed "s/Screen status//g" |sed "s/Turn on//g" |sed "s/Turn off//g"'
       value_template: '{{ value == "on" }}'
       friendly_name: Bryggers Tablet 

  - platform: rest
    name: foo
      - batteryLevel
      - kioskMode
      - screenBrightness
      - motionDetectorState
      - maintenanceMode
      - appFreeMemory
      - appUsedMemory
      - totalFreeMemory
      - totalUsedMemory
      - hostname4
      - ip4
      - mac
      - locationLatitude
      - locationLongitude
      - locationAltitude
      - startUrl
      - currentPage
    resource: http://IP:2323/?cmd=deviceInfo&type=json&password=Code
    value_template: '{{ value_json.isScreenOn }}'    

I need help here… It is driving me crazy :slight_smile:

Does someone solve the problem that FKB is soo extreme slow loading tabs?
It takes seconds-minutes before it show the new tab.

On all other browsers in my tablet it work. WebGui also work on my iPhone, Work phone (android) without any problem…

Screen is never goes off, always on…

Removed all un-used add-ons, plugins also… Only the one I use in Lovelace.

Good luck :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m using the command line switch to turn on and off a fire tablet with fully kiosk browser. The problem is that when I turn the display, it ask me to slide a finger over the screen to see the dashboard. Is there any way to configure the fully or the tablet to not ask for this action?

Thanks a lot!

just dont turn of the screen.
set it to brightness 0 instead.

Rene, it´s a great idea. I implemeted it.

Thanks a lot!!

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Hi All,

I asked sometimes if people have problem with FKB and WebGUI of HA, lots of lag etc…
I removed the “Logger” component and now the lag is gone…


Hello, I am struggling with lag also. Do you mean you removed from https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/logger/ ? There is no option to remove it, unless I missed something…

If you have “default_config:” in your configuration then this is correct.
I removed it and add some parts to load. Then you can comment out logger.


Well, thank you very much for the tip! Tested it and indeed performance improvement is massive on my old tablet :slight_smile:

I bought a new Tablet because of this… Had same issue… After I figure out the logger part was the problem also my old tablet (5 years old) have no issues anymore haha

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Isnt it a bit strange that logger component (server side?) can impact performance for FKB clients? Don´t get me wrong, I will try this for sure since I also have performance issues with FKB. Still I assume that logger is one component you would like to keep enabled?

Slightly on the same subject. Is it possible to have FKB to manage an android app instead of web-page? Thinking if using the naive HASS-app instead of url will get you better performance. (I still would like to use some of the features from FKB.)

thats because the HA frontend isnt written to be a dashboard.
it loads everything from HA, so also the logs.

depends on what you want.
FKB can start and stop apps (see docs)
i think the best way though is to use FKB in the back and the other app in the front.

you can also decide to use a better dashboard program. (hadashboard, tileboard or 1 of the other available)

Any suggestion what to use as replacement :slight_smile: because HA frontend is very easy to use.

HAdashboard is also very easy to use. and created esspecially to use as dashboard on wall tablets.

Thanks… Then i keep logger disabled and use the frontend of HA itself… looks nicer… more freedom with looks and feels

more freedom with looks and feels

thats not true.
with hadashboard you can let it look like anything you want.
these are all dashboards:

it doesnt matter if 1 of these you like or not, but it shows that you can do litterally everything with dashboard


and i bet you wouldnt even know where to start when you want to let the HA frontend look like anything like this :wink:

Thanks for showing me this. The layout and looks and feel of HA itself is more my style … hehe