Fully Kiosk Browser

Been using this for a week or so and noticed the tablet battery now lasts around 8 hours!
I’ve set the screen to sleep and wake on motion but have nothing else set up…

I’m thinking of using a smart plug to charge the tablet if it reaches a certain percentage, but was hoping I could get a couple more days out of it…

Another issue is setting up cards / switches

I’ve set up helpers for the below but struggling with integrating them

  • brightness - ( input_number.foobrightness )
  • TTS - ( input_text.tablettts )

My firehd 8 lasts a maximum 12 hours

Why on my Huawei media pad T5 icons and everything is too big

I assume the tablets will die right around the time where they are pissing me off by being too slow and I will want to replace them anyway. Then I will have an excuse :wink:

Are ads really a problem for you? I just have fully kiosk running all the time and I never see them. I don’t even have to use kiosk mode.

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I have many problem with Amazon Tablet.
I am honestly really dissapointed but it’s quality is very good.

Main problem is that it goes to sleep mode!! And is not responsing to touch.
Even though I disabled everything.
Even though I managed to connect it to my PC with ADB (Android Debug Bridge) and disabled ads.

So every 2-3 days I have to remove it from wall mount and press the power button.

It turns on but it shows me an ad!
I hate it.

If I manage to sell it, I will buy something stable for home automation.
And something that it can be rooted easily.

then i dont think you got the right settings in fully.
mine go never to sleep.

i guess you didnt chose the right thing to disable adds. there are a lot of people that disable them and they never have adds after that. (but if you disable sleep then you dont actually need that)

even the cheapest options are normally already more expensive (unless you buy used)
if you can sell it for 70% of the price, you probably need to add at least the same amount to it.

but then you get also a cheap device, which probably also gives you trouble.

read more, try more. there are a lot of options to get a cheap device like a amazon fire stable, and perfect as wallpanel.

(by the way, a good wallmount lets you press the power button, without removing it from the wall)

To be honest am sure I have the right settings. Is just I got a very new Amazon tablet which is not rooted yet. I read that many users, having the same tablet, experiencing the same problem. However would you please share your settings? I think I have ask it again …

I also did this correct. It worked for a long time.
It stopped working after the last update. Maybe the update has overwrited my settings.
Please share any information you might have about this matter.

First of all, I have vidabox on-wall tablet mount

I think that it is one of the best choices I could have.
Although I paid nearly the same money for customs. (from US to Greece)

But to reach the power button, I must take out the front cover.
I will sell it if I dont find a solution. And I am running out of patience …


How do you create a motion sensor and a restart button?

I do have the PLUS version.

Thanks in advance for your help

to be honest, i think your wrong.
i have never rooted a firetab, and i got 8 around here, and none goes to sleep.
off course others do have the same problem, they let it go to sleep, or they dont use fully, or …
like i said before, sharing settings (with the amount of setting fully has) is only usefull for people with the same version.
but the most important:
keep_screen_on set to on
in power settings: everything set to off.

so you did it correct and you wonder that an automated update disturbs your setting?
i got all updates set to off. my dashboards are not allowed to access internet. why would they, they need to control my home, nothing else. i guess that indeed your update did disrupt what you had done before. so youll need to start over again.

its probably the most expensive, but i would never buy it. just because in my eyes a good wallmount let you reach the buttons.

like i said, your choice, but as i see it, you will run into other trouble, or simular trouble even when you spend more money.

@niconath i think the motion sensor can best be created when you activate mqtt in fully, and integrate that in HA.
for a restart button i would sugges a REST switch integration. (dont ask me how to do it exactly, because i integrate everything through appdaemon)

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Thank you for your time to answer.
Look, the Amazon Fire HD10 (9th Gen) which I have goes to sleep.
It goes to sleep, no matter what I do. And I have tried everything.

Many users, have reported the same problem.
This is my main problem and this is the reason I want to get rid of it.
Until the time I write this post I haven’t find a rock solid solution that will prevent tablet from going to sleep mode.

Apart that, although I followed -from day one- your advice and I never turned off the tablet, the tablet within 48 hours time frame will switch off automatically.

From my side, I have disabled everything that might switch off the screen and I would happily share it with you if you still believe I am doing something wrong.

Try this,

Enable Developer Options

  1. Go to Settings > Device Options and look for a Developer Options menu. If it’s not there, do the following:
    a. Go to Settings > Device Options > About Fire Tablet .
    b. Tap your Serial Number seven times.
    c. Return to Device Options .
    A new menu appears called “Developer Options.”
    Under Developer options, should be an option “Stay Awake”, that should solve your problems.

that sounds like a problem i had recently. i changed my dashboards to have animations in the background (and i always have brightness at full), and even though i got my firetab always on power it still did slowly use up battery power.
the result was that it turned off at some point. so my advise is to keep track of the battery state. if you got it charging 24/7 it should never go less then 100%.
if it does, then at some point it will turn off.

and like i said, when you have the settings to prevent it going to sleep, it shouldnt go to sleep.

dont listen to other users that dont use fully, and that didnt set the settings to prevent it to go to sleep.
if you got settings correct in fully (and you bought fully for 6 euro) and it still falls asleep, then contact fully. because only they can tell if others have the same problem reported.

they have written special versions for firetabs, and they support it, so like its possible for me, it should also be possible for you.

thank you for your reply.
I have enabled this option from day one. It still goes to sleep no matter what.

I checked battery and I’m charging it 24/7. As far as I can see it has never go less than 100%.

I will contact fully support and I will get back to you.
However on their website under FAQ section they mention that:

Amazon’s Fire OS is a very special Android derivative. We absolutely can’t recommend using Fire OS devices in any production environment as Amazon seems to be hunting apps overriding the standard launcher. There is a reason why Fire OS devices are cheaper then usual. So even if Fully Kiosk working fine for now make sure your device will never get an Fire OS update where anything will be broken. You’ve been warned.

Fully Kiosk Browser has a special edition for Amazon Fire OS devices. This edition allows enabling the Kiosk Mode with Fire OS without any third party tools. It had been tested with Fire OS, we can’t promise anything for older/newer Fire OS.

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thats why i block them from the internet.
and you mentioned earlier that you had no problems at first (with adds). so its possible you had a fireOS update that did change things.
you could try resetting to fabrik settings. reinstall and block from the internet.

Well, before I give up I decided to follow your advice.
I reset the tablet just after I exported settings of FKB.

As soon as it rebooted, I disabled tablet from accessing Internet.
(I made this through the Ubiquiti gateway / MAC address blocked)

Bingo! So far is stable and it hasn’t switch off or play any ads!
Fingers crossed.

The only problem it seems I have for now is that I was using a weather card.
Which obviously doesn’t work now but tablet can’t access Internet.

Do you know, or does anyone know a way I can make the weather card work locally or offline?
So it doesn’t have to access Internet?

thanks in advance

i dont think there is an easy option.

you would need to get the data into HA and then create your own weather card.
or use anthing that is provided by HA.

Maybe this is not easy. True

But if I knew the URL the card is trying to access for the weather update, then I could create an exclude rule just for this URL.
e.g. block allow only this URL

Does anyone know?

open chrome,
load the page,
right click, chose inspect,(or use CTRL SHIFT i)
chose sources.

there will be the url.

or see on the place where you created the dashboard.