Fully Kiosk - Force Sleep&WakeUp

Hey you!

I am working with my tablet that i has set in fully kiosk mode. (2xHuawei T3 10").
I now have my tablets force sleeping everynight between 00:00 and 05:30. That i can set up in the fully kiosk app.

However, i would like to make a configuration, where i can make an automation to Force Sleep and Force WakeUp the tablet. I just cant find the commands i need to make this happen. I might found the ForceSleep, but now ForceWakeUp.

Don’t know if its possible, because the WIfi and stuff drops when the tablet is in sleepmode.

This is only for powersaving on the tablet when i am at work. However i dont want to set up a schedule, because i have days where i work at home.

Anyone have an idea how to work this around? Thank you! :slight_smile: