Fully Kiosk: Launch local Android apps from your HA dashboard

I’m new to rest commands. Would you happen to know what I would put in my .yaml?

i guess this should work (untested, though) - enter this into your configuration.yaml and restart HA:

    url: "http://192.168.x.y:2323/?cmd=loadUrl&url=http://www.google.com&password=yourpassword"

where 192.168.x.y is IP of your android device where you want to show webpage; then inside kiosk browser app: enable remote administration and set your password. then if you run rest command with above name it should load google page.

Hmmm, doesn’t seem to be working. This is what is in my YAML.

url: “http://192.168.x.x:2323/?cmd=loadUrl&url=https://www.bing.com/&password=x
method: POST

I have the rest command activated with a button. It doesn’t go to the website, even when I have chrome open from another rest command button that DOES work.

Hm… it opens bing page fine here…
Can you access fully’s page from browser with http://192.168.x.y:2323 (replace x and y with your IP)? If not, did you go to fully’s settings -->remote administration - enable remote administration, and set password there?

Sorry for the delay, Yes I’m able to access the remote admin page

I think I may have found a work around. I had to install the website as an app and then used that app package name to work like my chrome launch button. I was able to find the app package on the remote admin site under manage apps