Fun with wonky hue lights on Nortek stick using ZHA

A few days ago i decided to move the hue bulbs in my master suite from the hue bridge to zha on a Nortek stick which is now up to 96 devices, 40 of them are routers. Now the lights I’ve just moved are all wonky. They look connected. Good LQI numbers, but the light domain services can’t seem to turn them on and off reliably.

To illustrate, the following node red flow attempts to turn on this light, waits 10 seconds then retrieves the light state. You can see in the log that it triggers, calls the turn_on service, then finds the state to be off after the delay. I included the device page from ZHA which shows a very strong LQI.

Sometimes when this happens i can reconfigure the device on the ZHA page and it will start working again for awhile, but eventually goes back to being non- responsive.

This wonky behavior appears to be limited to hue lights on the zha network. Other zha devices more or less behave.

I’ve heard people complain about how ZHA is less reliable than zigbee2mqttt. Is this what that looks like, or is something else going on here?


Is there another forum where i can seek advice on this?