Function for statistic card to evaluate certain timeframes


I was wondering if only I would like the functionality which I suggesting in the following lines.
I am using HA for years now. I has become very mature and helpfull. Since nearly every device in my home is now integrated either fully or ad least to a certain degree, I started to build more and mlre statisic dashboards. Even more so since I got the solar panels on the roof and my battery and ev charger. I am monitoring and optmizing a lot since I do have access to a tone of data thanks to HA.

What I however feel a little missing here is more functionality in the statistic cards for dashboards.
There is already a handfull stuff available either in the GUI or in de code editor, but 1 functionality is missing. As you know solar power is produced and I do have plenty of consumers. For both the consumers and producers I do want to have better tools for creating certain dashboards. For example if I do not create any helper, it is hard to get for example this information:
POwer generated is reported if I create a riemann helper I can track all the energy created. Since i do have historic data of both i can use the statistics card to display todays energy production or yesterdays or what ever period in fact I want to. I can do that by offset and period that I am defining. I also can get min/max of such a period no problem. But because there is no value stored for example each day or month … i am unable to create a card that shows me the day or month with the highest or lowest production of the year. If i want to achieve this I will have to setup utility meters that store the data I want to analyze per day or month and use those for the value determination.
It is a working solution however this stores data already available additionaly in the database.

Therefore I would request a feature for the statiatic card to make it possible for further parameters to input and the functionality to calculate the requested information. Specially for min/max it would be nice to have a evaluation period defined where you could say evaluate day or month … and HA is doing the calculation, without the need to create a helper.
