Functions and modules in python scripts runnung as python_script component

I trying to write python scripts under python_script component and don’t really understand what going on.
When I try to use functions like max() and list() I am getting errors like
“Error executing script: name ‘max’ is not defined”
datetime.datetime module works, but others don’t.
So I have two questions:

  1. Where can I find a list of modules that will work? For example re will work?
  2. Why function like list() and max() fail? Those native python functions should work without any modules loaded.
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I might be wrong, but python_script seems to have the same restrictions as templates in terms of what’s available - here in docs they explain how to use min/max.

I can definitely say that you cannot import anything and can only have access to what’s already imported by HA, and date time module is one of those.
However, I don’t know where to get the exhaustive list of imported modules.

p.s maybe it’s not the best idea to publish a question and add Share your Project tag to it, don’t you think so? :wink:

Don’t see reason to limit in this way scripts.
HA installation not run as public service with users creating scripts.
No need for such security measures. Just complecating things. :frowning:

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