Functions seen in developer tool but not on the device page


I´m just getting started with HA and just ran into a problem.
I have Xiaomi compatible RGB light bulb that I added via Xiaomi MIoT integration.
The problem is that I can see all the functions like, color, brightness etc. in the developer tools, but not visible on the device page.
How can I get the dimmer and color sliders, different scenes etc. to show up in the device page?

From Developer Tools:

min_mireds: 153
max_mireds: 370
  - Default
  - Color
  - Day
  - Morning
  - Night
  - Reading
  - Work
  - Fun
  - Dazzling
  - color_temp
  - hs
color_mode: hs
brightness: 138
  - 119
  - 70.588
  - 78
  - 255
  - 75
  - 0.206
  - 0.659
color_temp: 370
effect: Day
model: viewx.light.101001
firmware_version: 2.0.6_0040
hardware_version: esp8266
light_switch_status: true
light_mode: 2
light_brightness: 54
light_color: 5177163
light_color_temperature: 2700
state_value: true
color_temperature: 2700
friendly_name: Light bulb
supported_features: 23

Only two entities in the Deveice page:

Not possible (unless you are the author of the integration and purposely display specific entity attributes).

For example my Philips Hue Color bulb only shows one toggle under Controls (to turn it on/off). Other attributes of the bulb (color, brightness, color temperature, etc) are accessible via the entity’s UI when it’s turned on (not via the Device page).


Thanks for the input. Could you please explain more in detail that from where I could find the other attributes? On the entities page I can only see the same two functions as on the Device page.

Sorry, never mind. Just found it. Thanks for the help.