Future Nest Integration

Just received this email from Google.


Thank you for being a valued customer and a part of the Nest family.

Works with Nest was created in 2014 as a way for other smart home device makers to take what Nest knows and personalize your experience with their products, such as turning off the device maker’s smart lights when Nest detects you’re away. The connected home has evolved significantly since then, and we’ve implemented numerous updates to enhance how you interact with and manage devices with Google Home.

In 2019, we made the decision to eventually retire Works with Nest to unify our efforts around third-party connected home devices under a single platform for developers to build features for a more helpful home – with a focus on compatibility, security, and privacy. The goal is to simplify the developer experience and give you more control over how your data is shared.

We’re reaching out to let you know that after extending support for Works with Nest for the last few years, it will wind down and no longer work as of September 29, 2023.

What this means for you.

  • Through September 28, 2023, all current Works with Nest connections will remain active, and you can continue to use Works with Nest as you do now.

  • In the coming months, you’ll be able to use a script editor to create advanced home automations that will offer new features and capabilities. We’re also working closely with our partners to provide replacement integrations where possible. Learn about the changes and options available to you.

  • Starting September 29, 2023, the connections will no longer work and you will lose access to them.

We’re committed to helping you and minimizing disruptions. If you need help, our support agents are standing by.

Same, got it too, do we have an alternative that doesn’t require a monthly fee?

Looks like it’s a one-time fee, not recurring

It is a one-time fee. After that you get a monthly invoice from Google for $0.00. :roll_eyes:

Mmm… Smells like “Ok, let’s hook them up with a low entry fee, and create a monthly fee later”
So typical cloud we see them coming from afar :slight_smile:

Wait, what ? My nest thermostat suddenly stopped wortking in home assistant today and I found this post about the fact it wont be usable anymore after the 29th of September ?

What now ? should we replace the damn nest by another model of thermostat ?

Long time ago Google warned us to move account to a Google account. I did that and my Nest thermostats still work in HA. I assume that you can still make this change, though you may have to go through the annoying Google authentication procedure.

The “old way” stopped working.
Look at the doc page to get it working the “new way”.