FutureProofHomes Wyoming Enhancements YT Series. Contest Entry?

FutureProofHomes here. Perhaps I can’t participate in the contest because I was an example (totally fine, no hard feelings at all), but hey, it’s worth a shot!

Here is my GH repo that documents a bunch of experimental Wyoming Satellite enhancements and links to the video tutorials.

Much love to everyone in the community.

  • Brad

+1, FutureProofHomes YouTube tutorials are the reason I even found out about the Wyoming project and now have two of the ReSpeaker hats coming to build my own. Really detailed and thoughtfully organized

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I think Brad’s videos are some of the best step-by-step YouTube videos I’ve seen. And, they are definitely getting people closer to the HA version where they can run everything locally, with GOOD voice control and that it looks professional (i.e. out of sight.)

I think some of the others examples are great show cases of what you can do with the technology and can certainly fulfills the Geek Factor. BUT, Brad’s (FutureProofHomes) videos show you what even my parents, wife and non-techie friends would love to have in their homes.



I too like this project because it gives you a practical, usable product that you can improve as new tutorials come out.

Brad, I’m going to submit a pull request in a few days with instructions to get this working properly on a Raspberry Pi 4B with the 2mic Pi Hat. I may also post images of how I house the bits of the product as it stsnds currently, as another example of what you csn do with it.


Nice. Thanks Matt! Appreciate that help man.


I really like your vids and guides. Definitly worth my vote. Your smart home blows mine away :sweat_smile:

You get my vote too.
Best wishes.

Any time, Brad.

My first experimentation with Voice Assistants started with a esp32, a INMP441 MEMS mic and MAX98357 DAC. I was not very happy with the response and almost gave up on VAs till I landed on this channel and got hooked on. I have a wyoming satellite working with all the bells and whistles as given in the video. Everything is working fine except that I get some false wakeword detection. Currently tweaking the configuration.

My only obstacle is finding the right mini amp and speakers/enclosure to bring audiophile level SONOS functionally to my entire home for less than the cost of a single speaker from said brand.

My jaw hit the floor when Jarvis controlled devices immediately after launch. He only gets better with tweaks to custom prompt (and we can add a bit of personality).

I won’t shut up about it to anyone I come across that’s comfortable in a terminal window.

Bravo and +1

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I get the same issue with false triggers on occasion. I think it has to do with the mic adjustments, but I’m not sure how to fix it.

I’m not worried about audiophile quality sound, so I’m using a twenty dollar PC speaker set from Walmart to house mine. I just have to find the time to actually do the installation and video to go along with it.

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Hi Brad,
your videos on YT and your tutorial on github are the reasons, that I started with wyoming satellite on RPI3 with music assistant.
I love it, to start my own music on any media player in the house (except the Echos).
ATM I have 3 Amazon Echo devices and now 2 wyoming satellites. The next wyoming satellite should be one with a RPI 7" touchdisplay.

There are some things, I still have to figure out:
Response Time of the satellite is to slow (about 5-10 sec), Alexa is much faster.
Room Assistant with my wear OS Smartwatch won’t work, because I don’t know, how to get the BLE ID of my Fossil Smartwatch.
Connecting Bluetooth-Speakers with the satellites would be good.

The 3 I have built respond straight away.
Are you talking about response to the wakeword?

Is there a way to use the button on the ReSpeaker 2-Mics Pi HAT in home assistant?
I would like to use it to mute the mic.

There should be a mute switch in the device settings.

I know about the switch but want to make use of the hardware button on the hat.

That button is mapped to GPIO17. I am using it as a shutdown button for my satellite.

Could you explain how to expose the button to home assistant?

I am using the physical button on the Respeaker 2 mic HAT for shutting down the pizero. I have not exposed it to HA. If you want a button in HA to shutdown pizero, then you need to have a passwordless login to pizero and use a shell command to shutdown pizero. That would be my approach. You can use the optional enhancements in futureproofhomes tutorial as a starting point.