My wife and I just got our son a gabb wireless child tracker watch which uses Verizon’s network and gps and Wi-Fi. Was wondering if anyone has the ability to integrate the tracking aspect into HomeAssistant for us, unless there is and I just don’t know about it. Thank you in advanced for any and all help.
I would also appreciate this integration, and I’d be willing to work on it myself. But… from what I can tell, Gabb does not have any sort of API for integrating with 3rd party services.
Has anyone get this figured out, as I would love to see this. I’m wanting to do the same for my child. Is ot possible to install companion app like on the Samsung watches?
I was able to go to the site and request that they add Homeassistant app to their store. I would imagine if they got enough request, they would look into adding it.
I’ve decided to poke around with this, I’m able to build a python script that leverages the gabb library from the repo provided and pull all kinds of great data, including the GPS location of each device in my account (I have more than one child). Very promising that his and the safezones can be loaded into HA, albeit, I’ve never built an integration with HA previously…
I created a docker in my UnRaid, added all of the different variables. I got the container to start, but when it starts I get the following message in the logs.
/app/ DeprecationWarning: Callback API version 1 is deprecated, update to latest version
mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(protocol=mqtt.MQTTv5) # Use MQTT version 5