The RF control they gave me is very simple with these specs. (fixed code – it has a 12V battery)
I am wondering which is the easiest way to integrate in HA.
The problem I have is that the door is common for 2 houses so I am not allowed to intervene to the garage door opener box
So I am thinking that I could buy a spare RF control and add a sonoff device to handle it.
Ideally, I would like to know also the state of the door (open-close).
Thanks for you help.
If and when you can, please give me a links what to look for because I am a little confused, since I haven’t used before a ESP8266.
I found several different items when I searched and I don’t know which to order.
Just because I never used one before, how I should power it? with batteries?
In the simplest form I would like to attach it in the spare remote and control it through HA.
Can this be done?
Yes, this can be done. In fact, that is how i wired the remote control for my alarm system. You do need a little bit of electronic knowledge though, to figure out where to attach which wire (ground, 3v, 5v ?) on the remote.
My remote was battery powered (3,3V), so i could power it via the pins of the D1. I then soldered some wires to the buttons and attached it to the GPIO. Be carefull what GPIO you use, some go high on boot and could thus trigger to open your garage See this link.
I have zero knowledge of electronics and I am almost certain I won’t manage it
Is there any other way to control the spare remote? Does sonoff has a easiest device to handle it?
I am asking for sonoff because I am more familiar with that. I also have some spare minis and basic devices
Is there a sonoff device that has 2 relays (1 for open, 1 for close) and is dry contact (meaning it has NO voltage on the relay when closed) ? If so, you could use that. You can also add 2 sonoff basics
You will need to solder 4 wires to the remote than (2 for each button).
I see.
So, before I end up to esp8266 may I ask, what would I need If I could install a device in the “garage box”? This is how it is inside.
My main concern would be that the neighbour and my wife should be able to open-close with their remote control.
I am not sure if this is ok for me but at least seems easy to implement.
I found a video that someone is using the following device which I don’t know what exactly is
I don’t know what device it is, but yes, this would work. Solder 2 wires to each button, and connect a relay to it.
But you have to make sure that the board with the relays is not supplying any power to the circuit (aka dry contact). You have 3 buttons, so probably a sonoff 4CH Pro seems ok to use.
Although there are 3 buttons I am using only one, so I have to find out which is this device
Since I have no idea from electronics I really don’t understand (yet) what you mean with “dry contact”
I will search the terms to find out
I am from Greece.
FYI, this is how i made mine with a D1 mini. The terminal block at the top is for connecting my doorcontact switches to detect if the gate is open or closed. I’ve spent < 10 euro on materials
It looks very nice, but it is not easy for me to made it.
If i buy the sonoff usb 5V how I could add the doorcontact in order to detect if the gate is open or closed?