Garage door state unknown zwavejs2mqtt

Hi All, I have had this issue for some time now and unable to fix.

I’m using zwavejs2mqtt in docker.
I have an Aeon Labs Garage Door Controller Gen5 (ZW062).

I can control the device fine with the open and close controls from homeassistant.
But the state never gets populated correctly anymore.
It is always unknown.

zwavejs2mqtt: 5.7.1
zwave-js: 8.4.1



Can anybody guide me through troubleshooting?

Here’s some more info from mqttexplorer:

{"position_topic":"zwave/nodeID_17/102/0/currentState","state_topic":"zwave/nodeID_17/102/0/currentState","command_topic":"zwave/nodeID_17/102/0/targetState/set","position_template":"{{ value_json.value }}","device_class":"garage","payload_open":255,"payload_close":0,"payload_stop":253,"state_open":255,"state_opening":254,"state_closed":0,"state_closing":252,"device":{"identifiers":["zwavejs2mqtt_0xeac8942a_node17"],"manufacturer":"AEON Labs","model":"Aeon Labs Garage Door Controller Gen5 (ZW062)","name":"nodeID_17","sw_version":"1.12"},"name":"nodeID_17_barrier_state","unique_id":"zwavejs2mqtt_0xeac8942a_17-102-0-currentState"}

In the HA logs I get this when I close the garage door:

2021-10-01 16:48:18 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.cover] Payload is not supported (e.g. open, closed, opening, closing, stopped): {"time":1633070898045,"value":252,"nodeName":"","nodeLocation":""}

and I get this when the door actually closes:

2021-10-01 16:48:29 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.cover] Payload is not supported (e.g. open, closed, opening, closing, stopped): {"time":1633070909745,"value":0,"nodeName":"","nodeLocation":""}

I dont have any mqtt cover config setup for this device, but never have and it used to work fine.
Any ideas?
Thanks again

Did you ever sort this out? I just switched from the container for zwavejs2mqtt to the built-in and now I am seeing the same thing.