I’m looking for a garage door tilt sensor that works in freezing temperatures and on the European market (preferably Z-Wave). Currently I have Aeotec Garage Door Controller, but it becomes unstable when the temperature drops below freezing (doesn’t report when tilt sensor changes state), and is therefore not usable for me.
Maybe use outdoor rated Reed sensor contact hardwired to zwave switch.
Many zwave give option for use magnet w/ internal Reed sensor or external sensor
Using wired sensor you may be able to keep zwave part indoor where temp is not issue or at least possibly insulate it.
I used small powered heater packs on units to keep them warm when I did alarm installs years ago…not much heat needed for this. This is also option to use with your current unit
Thanks for the advice, @tmjpugh. I ended up with scrapping the whole Aeotec Garage Door Controller. I I found out the garage door motor has an output that goes to 24V if the door is fully closed, and 0V otherwise. So using a NodeMCU and a couple of relays, I made my own controller and connected it to Home Assistant using MQTT. Actually worked better than the Aeotec, at least for me.