Garbage-collection-card config

I think my setup is pretty simple:

  - entity: sensor.garbage_red_bin
    icon_color: FireBrick
    due_color: FireBrick
    icon_size: 35px
    hide_before: -7
    type: custom:garbage-collection-card
  - entity: sensor.garbage_yellow_bin
    icon_color: Gold
    due_color: Gold
    icon_size: 35px
    hide_before: -7
    type: custom:garbage-collection-card
type: vertical-stack

But it’s not working. 1 should be hidden, and red bin should be red.


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The color names are likely to be case sensitive. Try all lower case.

    icon_color: firebrick
    due_color: firebrick

That didn’t change it.
I also tried hide_before: -1 just to be sure, and it doens’t change either.

Does it work if you use an RGB value?

    icon_color: '#b22222'
    due_color: '#b22222'

icon_color is actually working. Just the due_color not responding.
And rgb also no go.

That will only change on the due date.

The red bin icon is actually showing a different colour from normal. From the manual it is showing the active colour of my theme which is yellow. This should be what the due date is doing.

The manual says it changes from the day before?

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hide_before should be a positive number.

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OK fixed hide before. Thanks I got the wrong input.

I have something like this
type: custom:stack-in-card

mode: vertical

  • type: custom:garbage-collection-card
    entity: sensor.green_box
    icon_size: 40px
    icon_color: green
    due_color: firebrick
    hide_date: true
    hide_before: 1
    theme: Google Light and Dark Theme

but today is Friday and suppose the date of collection is yesterday, but the entry still show in the card. Am I missing something here. Thanks in advance


garbage-collection-card doesn’t really work properly anymore. Best to make your own calendar.

the Garbage collection extension doesn’t create calendar events any more, but both it and this card are still useable.

I’m actually using it with the Waste Collection extension which uses API calls to my local council to get the dates and is still maintained.

Support for this has been discontinued. It will be removed from HACS soon.

You should switch to using local calendar events and triggered template sensors or automations.

I have positive Number but it doesn’t hides the card.
type: custom:garbage-collection-card
entity: sensor.kommunalis_hulladek
icon_size: 35px
icon_color: brown
due_1_color: brown
due_color: red
hide_before: 2