I am trying to set up a simple garbage collection card based upon HA 2024 version. All the support notes are old and don’t seem to be supported any more. For example it alks about HACS >> Frontend. I cannot find this. Or put this code into yaml but i cannot find that section in studio code server.
I am just after something that shows the bin colour, and days to pick up. Does anyone point me to something as simple as this.
I have set up a simple Entities card and get
Waste ‘value.daysto’
Recycle unknown ( because i dropped the quotes in the Value Template field in the Modify Create sensor in Waste Collection Schedule Integration.
Sorry I was busy the last few days.
I am just using an entities card - I understand this.
But all I get is
I have the Lovelace Garbage Collection Card loaded via HACS but the instructions say The card does not support configuration flow , therefore you’ll have to add the resources via UI->Configuration ->Lovelace Dashboards->Resources then add the card manually editing the card configuration yaml on the dashboard at Add Card->Manual.
I don’t understand what Configuration flow is nor the UI->Configuration ->Lovelace Dashboards->Resources. Are these instructions uptodate with the latest HA version? Do I put it in the configuration.yaml file?
I am not a programmer.
I will look at the second one Waste Collection Schedule and see If I can get that to work.
In response to the Waste Collection schedule, I have that loaded into HACS and it has updated the calender from the local council. I am now trying to get the information out onto a dashboard. Thats where I am struggling. Any help or refer me to some simple instructions would be appreciated.
As you noticed, the “Waste Collection Schedule” adds the schedule to your local calendar.
You have to create the sensors yourself with the configuration of the integration.
In the “Developer tools” → “STATES” you see the the results of these sensors which you can use in cards & automations.