Ill try this, I just edited my previous post, is this relevant information?
EDIT 2: I see that I can only ask for notification for restafval gft and papier, is this the reason why the plastic sensor wont show up maybe? In my gemeente they call it ‘plastic verpakkingsmateriaal en drankkartons’ but this one isnt able to be set up for notification. Thats why my thought is why I might not be able to configure the plastic sensor, am I right?
yes, only restafval, papier en gft. which is odd really. you might have to ping @xirixiz and ask him if he can check with you address data. especially if you can see the trash type in your App, or in the api data in
and yes, if the integration doesn’t create the sensor, you can’t create the template sensor based on that
Perfect, ill send him a message. Thanks so far again.
Yes, I just send you a pm
fwiw, here’s an auto-entities card, based solely on the sensors the integration makes, (and ditches with my previous custom made template sensors). All I did was move these templates into the template-entity-row option, and had to exclude some of the other sensors:
- type: custom:auto-entities
type: entities
title: Volgende ophaaldata
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer*next*
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer*to*
- entity_id: sensor.afvalwijzer_*
type: custom:template-entity-row
state: >
|timestamp_custom('%-d %b')}}
secondary: >
{% set count = state_attr(config.entity,'days_until_collection_date')|int %}
{% set day = as_timestamp(strptime(states(config.entity),'%d-%m-%Y'))
|timestamp_custom('%A') %}
{% set dagen =
{'Monday': 'Maandag',
'Tuesday': 'Dinsdag',
'Wednesday': 'Woensdag',
'Thursday': 'Donderdag',
'Friday': 'Vrijdag',
'Saturday': 'Zaterdag',
'Sunday': 'Zondag'} %}
{% set dag = dagen[day] if day in dagen else day %}
{% set unit = 'Dag' if count == 1 else 'dagen' %}
{% if count >= 14 %} {% set phrase = dag + ' over 2 weken' %}
{% elif count >= 7 %} {% set phrase = 'Volgende week ' + dag %}
{% elif count >= 3 %} {% set phrase = 'komende ' + dag %}
{% elif count == 2 %} {% set phrase = dag + ', overmorgen' %}
{% elif count == 1 %} {% set phrase = 'morgen, ' + dag %}
{% else %} {% set phrase = 'Vandaag, ' + dag %}
{% endif %}
{{phrase}} {% if count != 0%} ({{count}} {{unit}}) {% endif %}
method: state
numeric: true
just to notify here too the sensors for today, tomorrow, and day after tomorrow are broken, as an issue was posted here.
Hi have intergrade my sensor but now i will a day before a notify to my phone that the garbage pickup.
Does anyone have a example how i make that easy?
This automation will send a push notification every hour between 17:00 and 20:00 the day before pickup:
- alias: Afval notificatie
platform: time_pattern
minutes: '/59'
seconds: 00
condition: and
- condition: time
after: '17:00:00'
before: '20:00:00'
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow') != 'Geen' }}"
- service: notify.push
title: "Afval"
message: 'Morgen: {{ states.sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow.state }}'
thanks for the fast response! I think i need to make a template? I’m starting to understand it more and more but I don’t quite understand the templates yet.
You can use my automation as is, you only need to be sure that “notify.push” works in your configuration for pushing a notification.
but why would you want to trigger it each hour in the set interval?
- alias: Afval morgen
id: Afval morgen
- platform: time
at: '21:00:00'
- platform: time
at: '16:16:00'
- >
{{states.sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow is not none}}
- >
{{states('sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow') != 'Geen'}}
- service: script.intercom_message
message_nl: >
Het is {{now().strftime('%d %B')}}: Morgen wordt
{{states('sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow')|title}} opgehaald!
message_en: >
It is {{now().strftime('%d %B')}}: Tomorrow
{{states('sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow')|title}} will be picked up!
- service: script.notify_trash_tomorrow
- service: script.persistent_trash_tomorrow
- service: script.trash_outside_tomorrow
the second 16:16 trigger is only there to show you can trigger at more than 1 time.
Please note you dont need to use the ‘and’ in the conditions, they are and’ed by default
lastly, use
message: "Morgen: {{states('sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow')}}"
or multi-line:
message: >
Morgen: {{states('sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow')}}
instead of
message: 'Morgen: {{ states.sensor.afvalwijzer_tomorrow.state }}'
to prevent errors if the template isnt initialized correctly
Because i want a push notification every hour between 17:00 and 20:00
haha, sure, why not. cool.
The push notifications need to push me to take out the container
haha, this was unexpected:
auto-entities sort method not the right one:
method: state
numeric: true
method: attribute
attribute: days_until_collection_date
hope this wont error next December, when the dates aren’t set yet…
Maybee somebody can help me.
I’m new to HomeAssisent and I’m trying to add the garbagecalender. Everyting works as expected until a view dag ago the sorting stoped working. I think the the problem is that one of the componends is missing in the JSON files which comes from an API? If this is the problem, how can I prevent the sorting to stop?
type: vertical-stack
- type: glance
title: Afval
- entity: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_today
name: Vandaag
- entity: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_tomorrow
name: Morgen
- type: entities
- entity: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_gft
type: 'custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row'
secondary_info: >-
<b style='color:[[ if(sensor.days_until_collection_gft > 3, "" , "orange") ]]' >
Over [[ sensor.days_until_collection_gft ]] >
[[if(sensor.days_until_collection_gft > 1, "dagen" , "dag") ]] </b>
- entity: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_restafval
type: 'custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row'
secondary_info: >-
<b style='color:[[ if(sensor.days_until_collection_restafval > 3, "","orange") ]]'>
Over [[ sensor.days_until_collection_restafval ]]>
[[ if(sensor.days_until_collection_restafval > 1, "dagen" , "dag") ]] </b>
- entity: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_papier
type: 'custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row'
secondary_info: >-
<b style='color:[[ if(sensor.days_until_collection_paper > 3, "" ,"orange") ]]'>
Over [[ sensor.days_until_collection_paper ]]>
[[if(sensor.days_until_collection_paper > 1, "dagen" , "dag") ]] </b>
- entity: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_pbd
type: 'custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row'
secondary_info: >-
<b style='color:[[ if(sensor.days_until_collection_pbd > 3, "" , "orange") ]]'>
Over [[ sensor.days_until_collection_pbd ]]>
[[if(sensor.days_until_collection_pbd > 1, "dagen" , "dag") ]] </b>
- entity_id: sensor.afvalinfo_gft
- entity_id: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_papier
- entity_id: sensor.afvalinfo_restafval
- entity_id: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_pbd
numeric: true
method: attribute
attribute: days_until_collection_date
check the post above yours. sorting works as expected.
where did you find these < > stylings? must admit, that’s new to me
For the html tags look at:
For this one I want to maken an function so that it can also show “Vandaag” and “Morgen” insteat of “dag” and “dagen”
For the filter I use:
numeric: true -> because 11 comes after 10 and not between 1 and 2
method: attribute -> I want to sort on an attribute
attribute: days_until_collection_date -> the attribute that I want to use.
(sensor.afvalinfo_*.days_until_collection_date )
Where do I make an mistake?
I have read the content above and I don’t see it…
great, there’s exactly 1 line with obscure tags, and of course I missed that. nice to know, so thanks for posting!
when you say the sorting ‘stops’, exactly what are you experiencing. Do you get any errors in the inspector or logs? What result is showing in the frontend?
Maybe you have incorrect entities (should show in the inspector as None), and your templates should guard those.
How, please give us some more information so we can help
btw, Vandaag and Morgen are available in my earlier post (s), eg here