Garbage pickup date ( custom_component

Hi, you should remove the stuff from your configuration.yaml file and the follow the configuration instruction in the HASS UI (Settings → Devices → Add Integration) .

Yeah, fixed this one in the latest release.

what I meant was that in case of multiple trash_types like here

it would be output like

['plastic, blik en drankenkartons','klein chemisch afval (kca)']

so templates could easily iterate that list.

However, I suppose we should be careful doing that, as it would not need to be a list on single trash_type days, because that would complicate the regular template unnecessarily

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for anyone interested in the new Saver functionality of this great integration, I’ve exported the Saver .svg files to .png, so we can easily use them in our cards and set as entity_pictures if you so want to.

Unfortunately there is no nice file for ‘Geen’ so we have to use our former picture there (or do whatever you like of course)
cant upload the original .svg files here, not allowed, so I uploaded those to this issue in the Afvalwijzer repo


because of their transparent background, you can easily use them in themes , light or dark, (unless of course your main theme background color is identical to the image color…)

Note how the fixed background for Geen in the middle now stand out… need to find a solution for that soon :wink:

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Really nice addition @Mariusthvdb. I know there are also possibilities to set default pictures via the component, so you don’t have to define and place the icons yourself. I`ll have a look to see if I can manage to add these. I believe my “colleague” pippyn already does this with his component. I’ll check with him. If you want to, I could also create a “Geen” to match the Saver icons better. I’ll check on that as well.

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yeah, we definitely need a transparent Geen icon :wink:

not sure if I like the default pictures the way the other integration you mention does it.

Baking them in fixed like that is a no-go for me. if you would add them, I would suggest to add them as images that can be exchanged with others easily, and not have them ‘hard-coded’

Tbh, it was one of the aspects that took me by an unpleasant surprise when I tested it.

Given the fact I use the same images in other places, I need to have them in my image files anyways, so not sure if adding a ‘default’ picture would help (me) a lot.

otoh, I can see it would probably help users that need an ‘out of the box’ experience.

btw, I also have set mdi icons to the trash types, and notice you have set an identical icon for all. You could change that in the integration, eg like this:

plastic: mdi:bottle-soda-classic-outline
papier: mdi:newspaper-variant-multiple-outline
rest afval: mdi:trash-can
gft: mdi:flower

ofc those are arbitrary too, and there are more trash types, but at least if would give it a head start, and all would be referencing the Home Assistant default for icons, the material design icons

what about a closed Kliko in gray:


seems ok?

btw, I edited it on then saved it and exported the .svg to .png

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A lot of releases today and 2 days ago! Any specific things that were changed that we should be aware of? 2024.12.02 had a “normal” changelog, but 2024.12.03, 04 and 05 don’t, and I’m not able to read the codechanges and determine what was changed to be honest.

Yeah, I never was a real developer to be honest. So not sure how to create proper changelogs.

Usually if it’s only bugfixes, I don’t add any changlog/notes.

I mentioned it somewhere recently that I`ll have a look into it and see if I can create some proper changelog. But please keep in mind I do this for free in my own free time.

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No problem, it wasn’t meant as criticism. I just can’t read the changes myself, so that is a “problem” for me, not you.

I’ve been using this for quite some time, and it is really helpfull for me, so I’m more than happy with your work!

having had all trash types with the new integration, I can say I kind of like the new dashboard, using the native Saver images and the default for ‘Geen’ I uploaded some where above this.

the integration seems to be up and running without hiccups after all the updates, and it’s even perfuming fine with the current beta 2025.1.0, so looking good :wink:

Having said that, wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

(heck, posting this I see a date error in my 3d line there… should be January obviously.) its something with y easy_time template, so not originating from this integration the date is correctly stated as 2025-01-03…

fixed the template, and changed the image above…

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hi i doing somting wrong but what

What exactly do you want us to see?

Perhaps has a suggestion about what I see in my error log

Logger: custom_components.afvalwijzer.const.const
Source: custom_components/afvalwijzer/
integration: Afvalwijzer (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:15:58 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:15:58

No discovery information provided; sensors cannot be created

I have already removed afvalwijzer from my yaml file, removed any old reference and configured it again using the GUI.
Any suggestions for a next step?

open an issue in the Github repo and provide detailed logs
you did restart home assistant after installing the integration ?

First things first. Please enable debug logging first:

If it doesn’t show anything at all, then the configuration is not done properly. See suggestion @Mariusthvdb.

If it does show info, please share everything related to this component.

updated to latest, and today also update to HA 2025.1.0b3 and now see this during startup

Deze fout is ontstaan door een aangepaste integratie.

Logger: custom_components.afvalwijzer.const.const
Bron: custom_components/afvalwijzer/
integratie: Afvalwijzer (documentatie, problemen)
Eerst voorgekomen: 20:01:17 (1 gebeurtenissen)
Laatst gelogd: 20:01:17

Failed to import provider modules: cannot import name 'afvalalert' from 'custom_components.afvalwijzer' (/config/custom_components/afvalwijzer/

will check again and the repo for trouble

Crap, forgot to remove some obsolete code. Didn’t validate the logs, just functionality. Fixed it now in 2024.12.08

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Something I would like to know. How can I change the config of the Integration? Say I would move house and I would change my address or even more. I can’t find a way to do so. Or what if you would like “include Today” to be true instead of false.

This is indeed the case. I changed the automation condition to ‘geen’ and notifications for “Geen” are no longer showing.

There were more changes I needed to make that were cese sensitive related. Found them all (at least the ones I use :wink: )

I believe these were some:
Pmd instead of PMD
Papier instead of papier
Plastic instead of plastic