Gardena smart system + Home assistant?


since yesterday my sensor values aren‘t updated anymore. I’ve installed the 0.2.5.b4. Restart HomeAssistant updates the sensor once. I‘ve just reinstalled the integration und added a new API under Husqvarna.developer…

Any ideas?

@wunni , no, but I have the same problem. I see this in the logs:

Logger: gardena.smart_system
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gardena/
First occurred: 14:34:32 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 14:34:32

error : 'Thread' object has no attribute 'isAlive'

Don’t know what to do with it, though…

Same Problem for me. Sensors do not update over time.

After a restart of the homeassistant server all sensors are updated.

I have this issue as well. Restart triggers an update, but nothing after that. I notice that the “gardena smart system connection” shows as offline

Do you still have functionality? I can see the devices once when I reboot, but there’s no connection after that (until I reboot again)

Works fine for me.
I had to create a new API token in spring when I reactivated my Sileno. But beside that no problems.

I installed the beta, and now it works fine for me.

I am having similar problems as @mu71rd since a reboot this weekend. The mover get the status once when the services are started but dont change when the mower changes status.
However, I can send commands to the mower (start, pause, stop) and I can see that mower reacts and that the status is changed in the gardena App.
In Home assistant the gardena smart system shows as offline.

I am using 0.2.5b4 and have updated to 2022.5.4 and Home Assistant OS 8.0
I cant see that I did any major update at this time.

I have tried to restart the Gardena box and to redownload the addon (via HACS) without any success.
It was working fine for a few weeks before this.

Any ideas what to try next?

Where did you get the image of the Sileno?
Could you pls share?

I just realized that my Gardena integration is also acting strangely. It basically works but the overall behavior suggests that not all status changes are received by HA. Some are lost on the way. This affects multiple sensors: The mower status itself but also i.e. the battery level. An estimated 10 to 20% of the changes don’t make it into HA. The results are strange effects like the mower has finished mowing but HA still reports OK_SEARCHING. Or the battery dropping from 90% to 40%. The Gardena app always reports the correct status. So it is probably not a Wifi problem.
I have installed the latest mower firmware some weeks ago. I also had to create a new API key with the start of the new season. So it could also be a problem on API side at Gardena/Husqvarna.

Experiencing the exact same things… Is it possible to reload only the Gardena integration, without a full restart of HA? Then an automation could help untill a fix is done to the integration.

Hello All,

Anybody has experience with the watering switch function?
It seems it is not really a real switch where the status is visible but when you push it it starts watering for a set time, that is all. You cannot stop the watering by a button press, only from the Gardena app.
Also in this way I cannot use my Fibaro Switch to turn on the well in my garden triggered by the state of the watering switch. Any help is more than welcome. Are there any other integrations?

This issue has appeared several times but I am happy to report that over the last week or so the integration has been stable. During this time I have updated the integration twice. It is great to see that Jérémie is working on it again.

But I now face a new issue:
My Gardena connection gets lost every two to three days.
I can revoke the connection simply by removing the integration and adding it back again, using the very same API credentials from the Husqvarna API developer website.
But some days later the connection gets lost again for no obvious reason.

Is anybody else facing this issue?
If so, could you please try to check binary_sensor.gardena_smart_system_connection and tell the exact time that your connection did hold up before breaking? This could be helpful when opening a ticket in issue tracker.

When the connection gets lost the entities do NOT go “unknown”. They simply do not update anymore.
As said above the binary_sensor.gardena_smart_system_connection is a reliable way to immediately get warned when the connection breaks.


I m french. I am a beginner with home assistant.
I would like to use Gardena smart system.
To begin with, on the husqvarna website, I have to add urls. what should I put as urls?
Thanks for your help :wink:

Welcome to Home Assistant! I hope you enjoy it.

Are you talking about the “Redirect URLs”? Just leave this field empty.
This is actually described in the README of the Gardena integration:

  1. Create an new application, name it for example “My Home Assistant” (doesn’t matter), leave the other fields empty.

the url is required

I guess this is new.
I think you can just enter anything, i.e. http://localhost should be ok.


It dosen’t work :sob: :sob: :sob:
Husqvanar suppôrt said to me :"Regarding your email for Husqvarna group Developer Portal, redirect url is required if you are using OAuth grant type “authorization_code” to login. After successfully authorization for an application, the authorization server will redirect you back to the application for exchange of code with token. So this url is needed for appropriate redirection. See here: Redirect URLs - OAuth 2.0 Simplified

Developer Portal also supports “client_credential” grant which does not requires to send in this url while generating token."

What does it means ?

The redirect Url should look like you can always check by looking at the url in the browser window when it asks you to authenticate, the url will be a appended as a query parameter.

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Using the latest beta, it worked when using the redirect URL http://localhost:8080

Try that and see if it works.