Garmin MapShare (inReach Satellite Communicator) Custom Integration

I’ve been working on a simple integration to pull information from one or more Garmin MapShare profiles, and I think it’s finally feature-complete enough to share with the world.

You can check out the full description over at the GitHub repository, or keep reading below for a README excerpt.



Given a user’s MapShare link name and (if required) password, this custom component will periodically pull data from their KML feed and create a handful of entities in Home Assistant based on the state reported from an inReach satellite communicator.

Please note: This does not use the username and password that the Garmin owner uses to log in. Instead, it uses the data from the user’s MapShare profile on assuming the owner has turned the MapShare feature “on” and shared the link with you.

This allows you, as a friend or family member of one or more inReach owners, to track their status centrally without having to use the MapShare web interface (or to create automations based on Zones, for example).


Add this repository using HACS:

After a successful installation and restart, you should now be able to add Garmin MapShare from the Integrations page in Home Assistant (one or more times).

Current Limitations

  • MapShare profiles containing multiple inReach devices are not yet correctly supported (though this shouldn’t be too hard to fix).
  • Some public MapShare profiles do not work at all with this integration because the server provides an empty KML feed; I’m not sure why.

Thanks for this. You have any idea when the multi device support will be available? I currently have two devices and of course my secondary device is the one that populates in HA.

which card do you use, can you share code ?

Multi-device support is already included since v1.0.0; All tracker device shown in a given MapShare link should appear as devices in Home Assistant, and you can also track multiple MapShare links by setting up the integration multiple times.

(Shifty’s issue has been resolved already on GitHub; Their other device just needed to start tracking for the first time before MapShare could see it.)

The dashboard I use just contains standard Home Assistant cards; The screenshot from my original post is showing an Entities card on the left and a Map card on the right. You can also get a nice elevation chart using a Sensor or History Graph card with the provided Elevation entity.