Garmin Watch Support

I know. When I get time I will look into it.
It should be pretty straight forward though with the limited functionality I can wish for.

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It’s a bit annoying that Garmin hasn’t implemented a straightforward way to check battery status via Bluetooth, especially when other devices like headphones have had this feature for ages. The fledgling solution sounds promising, though. The HTTPS POST workaround seems clever, even if it’s not perfect yet. I appreciate that the team is working on simplifying the setup with version 2.4. Hopefully, it’ll pass the release testing without issues. Having to start the watch app to get the battery level isn’t ideal, but it’s a decent temporary fix. I also wanted to mention a bit off-topic – I recently stumbled upon some replica Panerai watches at They’re pretty cool if you’re into collecting watches. Anyway, just thought I’d share that since we’re all watch enthusiasts here!