Garo Wallbox (EVSE)

I did some followup. EXTERNAL gives me total energy consumption for the house (including Wallbox), CENTRAL002 gives me the Wallbox consumption, although I don’t get the “size” of the numbers. On 002 the current is around 70 per phase, but on External it is 11/19/16, which is reasonable. I guess that the current on 002 is 10 times to high. On an earlier version of the Wallbox software it was a similar error on the Wallbox reading of the currentChargingPower, it was giving incorrect data to the Garo web-app.

Some snapshots, the serials are “masked”




I haven’t had time to implement this yet, but I’ve seen other power meters also displaying the current in deciamp. But I guess it might need to be a setting depending on the meter device.

hi @sockless

questions: do 3 phase Garo Wallbox support lowering the current limit to single phase? what is the minimum current you can set? also does your plugin support multiple Wallboxes in the same house?

Hi @stepir
As far as I know you can not manually set a limit per phase or limit the number of active phases.
It might be possible with a load balancing unit, but I do not have access to one of those.
Minimum charging current is 6A
Yes, the plugin supports multiple master chargers. I am working on adding support for Master/Slave configurations.

I have a load balancing 3 phase Garo. As far as I know, there is no setting to limit the current per phase. From my experience the load balancing cuts all three phases when a single phase is triggering the limit. Actually right now the house was drawing 1+1+22 A, and then the Garo paused charging, although it ideally could charge 10+10 A

However, it seems like it will happily charge 2 phases. At some point I had one of the phases blow a fuse, but it still charged fine (with lower power of course) , So I guess that it would work fine on one phase as well, by switching off two of the correct fuses, the controller is running on a specific phase.

If that was your question :slight_smile:

Nice work!
However if you don’t want to rely on a custom component you can set this up with rest sensor and dynamically choose which values and how to convert them based on your needs.

Separate thread here:



No one up to adding support for the load balance unit?
My skills are unfortunately to low. :frowning:

You could try something like this using rest.

    scan_interval: 30
    resource: http://<IP>:2222/rest/chargebox/meterinfo/EXTERNAL/
      - name: "House Phase1 Current"
        value_template: '{{value_json.phase1Current}}'
      - name: "House Phase2 Current"
        value_template: '{{value_json.phase2Current}}'
      - name: "House Phase3 Current"
        value_template: '{{value_json.phase3Current}}'
      - name: "House Phase1 Power"
        value_template: '{{value_json.phase1InstPower}}'
      - name: "House Phase2 Power"
        value_template: '{{value_json.phase2InstPower}}'    
      - name: "House Phase3 Power"
        value_template: '{{value_json.phase3InstPower}}'   
      - name: "House Accumulated Energy"
        value_template: '{{value_json.accEnergy}}'   
        device_class: energy
      - name: "House Apparent Power"
        value_template: '{{value_json.apparentPower}}'         

Hi! Does anyone know if the integration works with Garo´s Twin-boxes?
Rgds Fredrik

I made a stab at pulling meter info from a Garo box with load balancer: Load balancer by joek-makewave · Pull Request #20 · sockless-coding/garo_wallbox · GitHub

Please try it out and give feedback!

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Did you find a solution? I can see my charger, but it doesn’t provide any values.

I did some customization of this solution:

Works fairly well for reading energy values and controll the state of the -chargers.

Rgds Fredrik

I’m looking at purchasing a Garo unit and would like to know if anyone has confirmed if any of the GCB+ OCPP-capable models (models begin with “GLB-B-…”) have the same web interface and API as the regular GLB units.

I’m also seeing units seemingly identical the the GLB models with with a GHL-… model number.

Is anyone here has a model starting with GLB-B-* or GHL* could you please let me know?


can the set_current_limit be set during a charging session?

I don’t have an OCPP capable version so I don’t know about that specifically, but on my GLBDC-T222WO-A I can change the current limit while it is charging using set_current_limit from HA.

So I updated all my files with yours, rebooted, but nothing changed? I have a HACS install from the beginning, just updated all the affected files by changing the code. What more do I need to do to get any new entitlements for the meter?

I’ve only used a manual install. Anyway, I think you need to set up the integration again after replacing the source files, sensors are typically created when the integration receives configuration. So you could try disable/enable, if that does not help - delete and add the Garo integration.

Before deleting, you do have a load balancer unit connected to the Garo wallbox?

Thanks, I’ll try a manual install and see if better success. :blush:

Yes I have a working setup with load balancer:

Is anyone using a Garo GLB with firmware 1.3.3? Does it work well with the Garo Wallbox HA integration?

Works great :+1:
If you have the power meter for load balancing as well, you have to install it manually from Github, the HACS version lacks support for this.