Gas consumption sensor

Hi all,
I’m trying to integrate my gas consumption into Home assistant and need help on the hardware to use to achieve this.
I have seen many projects based on using a reed switch or in most other cases ESP32 camera and AI-on-the-edge-device project, but none of them can be applied in my case.
I’m Italian and from what I’ve seen, in Italy, we are the only country that uses this gas meter:

I found the “Use and Maintenance Manual” online and, in the Communication chapter, it is specified that the only connection interface (for reading) is the DLMS port, also visible in the previous photo.
The only problem is that in order to read the data from this port it is necessary to press the central key of the three on the right of the display (and it is very hard to press…).

My thought was to use an ESP32 card with an optical sensor for reading and a MG996R servo motor to press the key.

Has anyone else done something similar?
Do you have any suggestions?

I would like to have some advice since, in a previous project, I was forced to abandon the MG996R since I could not get it to work in any way.

Thank you in advance

Looks like it’s a diaphragm meter? I have that type (but much less fancy here in the US). I’m using a magnetometer to see it physically move as the gas goes through it with great success. I more or less followed the advice in this post:

Hello, I’m in Italy too, and I also have a gas meter of the same brand, Samgas rse/2001, and I have the same problem. I can’t find a way to read the consumption.

Have you managed to do anything?