Building on the post [Gas meter from Xiaomi/Aqara door sensor (ZigBee)
(Gas meter from Xiaomi/Aqara door sensor (ZigBee))
My utility company is converting over to smart meters. For electricity and water they have replaced the meters. But, for the gas, they retrofit the meter. The retrofit added a device that attaches to it with reed switches and a magnet. The magnet attaches to the two feet dial, which for one complete rotation it used 2 cubic feet.
The biggest problem I had was attaching the sensor and external reed switch. So I designed and printed a bracket.
This is the reed Switch:
This is the door sensor:
Link to Thingiverse:
I am still working on this so please use, update as need, and add any suggestions and mods.
customize: !include meters/customize.yaml
- platform: template
### Gas meter template from counter
unique_id: 000000000000000001
friendly_name: Gas Meter
value_template: "{{ states ('counter.gas_meter_binary') | float * 2 }}"
unit_of_measurement: "ft³"
icon_template: "mdi:fire"
device_class: gas
state_class: measurement
state_class: total_increasing
last_reset: '2024-11-28T11:00:00.000000'
#last_reset: '2024-05-04T11:00:00.010644+00:00'
state_class: measurement
state_class: total_increasing
last_reset: '2024-11-28T11:00:00.000000'
#last_reset: '2024-05-04T11:00:00.010644+00:00'
alias: Gas Counting
description: ""
- entity_id:
- binary_sensor.aqara_sensor_magnet_aq2_opening
trigger: state
from: "on"
to: "off"
conditions: []
- action: counter.increment
data: {}
entity_id: counter.gas_meter_binary
mode: single
I double checked my meter and there seems to be 2 types with a same type dials and faceplate. The biggest difference are two dials on the bottom left.
- The one I has a 4 rotation = 1ft3
- The one I has a 1 rotation = 1ft3 (this is the one that has the magnet attached to it)
What I thought it I had:
- The one I has a 4 rotation = 1ft3
- The one I has a 1 rotation = 2ft3 (this is the one that has the magnet attached to it)
They both look identicle except for the two dials. The retrofit covers up the abount for the 1ft3 or 2ft3 dial.