Hi everyone,
I’m using a Broadlink RM Pro+ with GHome. I have multiple IR devices like AV Receiver, TV, Beamer, etc and multiple RF devicec like roller bind, lights and, RF Plugs.
I set Scenes in the ihc Broadlink App and they work fine.
Then I set up a Routine in the Home App for every Scene in the ihc App.
For example I have a ihc Scene with the Name “Tree on”, and a Home Routine wich does “activate Tree on” when I say “Tree on”.
That worked fine, but sometimes it does not work and i don’t know why.
Two days ago the Routine worked perfectly, but yesterday it did not work at all. Doesn’t metter if I type in the command or speak to a GHome. I had that problem before and after a few deys it worked again. I had a internet connection all the time.
I’m going crazy with this thing. Everytime I start a Scene somethin is not working - my wife can’t even watch TV without asking me what’s wrong.
Very often a activated Scene doesn’t work and Google says (in German) “Bei 4 Ambiente Einstellungen ist ein unbekanter Fehler aufgetreten”, wich means “unknown Error at 4 ambient settings”. Other times the Error doesn’t appear and the Ambiente is working - but in some cases it’s working incorrect.
For example: I created a Scene calles “Homecinema on” in my Broadlink IHC App with the following actions:
RF Signal -> Screen Down
IR Signal -> Turn Receiver on
IR Signal -> Turn Beamer on
RF Signal -> Roller Blind Down
IR Signal -> Switch Receiver to HDMI2 output
IR Signal -> Switch Receiver to input PC
RF Signal -> Turn on the Fans in my Lowboard
Every single action works perfectly when I’m calling them via IHC app. The Scene works perfectly too, wehen I’m calling it via IHC app.
Then I created this Routine in the GHome app: When I say “Turn Homecinema on” do “activate Homecinema on” and do “activate shield”.
When I call that routine via GHome and it works, which means the error “unknown Error at 4 ambient settings” does not appear, there is still a huge problem - the Routine does not do the same as the IHC app: My screen goes down a little bit, and then just goes up again. The other actions work fine.
This seems really annoying, and I’m loosing my Nervs.
Before I used a Logitech Harmony with a IR->RF module ad It worked withou Problems for years. I’m starting to regret that I switched to GHome.
Can someone help me with this Problems? I hope I’m not the only one how uses a Broadlink device.