I’ve configured a few smartplugs into HASS, and I thought it could be handy to make a tab with gauges to monitor them, since they’ve also have a powermeter function.
I only use a few of them now, but have them all configured already. When I put them into the powersocket, they will be recognised and ready to use where and whenever I would like to put them.
But unfortunatelly the gauges are not showing up when not plugged in, and this is not looking verry great…
So I was also looking for other possibilities to show the measurments. But I actually like the gauge meters.
So does annybody know how to show them in a normall way, when the smartplug will not be plugged in? I configured the smartplugs with MQTT btw.
Thanks for your help!
But I’m not a verry experienced user of HASS. I don’t exactly know what you mean here. Could you please explain to me?
Thanks in advance!