Gauge option to Center on negative/positive values - to quickly display charge vs. discharge in any battery or power system, power from grid/to grid and more

If the guage allowed an option to set zero as the mid point in the arc when we have positive and negative values it would be fantastic in all cases where people are using any battery system to see quickly whether it is charging or discharging, whether you are taking power from the grid or pushing into the grid. And many other scenarios


Did you find a way to get the zero centered, without adding half of the gauge range to the value ?


Nope, still no solution

The updates to the Gauge now seem to make it work

square: false
columns: 3
type: grid
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.evtvpowergridpower
    max: 15000
    min: -15000
      green: 1
      yellow: 0
      red: -15000
    name: PowerGrid
    needle: true
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.evtvpowerpack1power
    max: 15000
    min: -15000
      green: 1
      yellow: 0
      red: -15000
    name: PowerPack1
    needle: true
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.evtvpowersafe15power
    max: 6000
    min: -6000
      green: 1
      yellow: 0
      red: -6000
    name: PowerPack2
    needle: true
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.evtvpowergrid
    name: PowerGrid
    min: 0
    max: 100
      green: 70
      yellow: 40
      red: 30
  - type: gauge
    entity: sensor.evtvpowerpack1
    name: PowerPack1
    min: 0
    max: 100
      green: 70
      yellow: 50
      red: 30
  - type: gauge
    min: 0
    max: 100
    entity: sensor.evtvpowerpack2
    name: PowerPack2
      green: 70
      yellow: 50
      red: 30
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Thanks for your feedback.

I meanwhile integrated this solution which is also working fine.

how to combine 2 gauge in one
i mean i want to add the percentage value in the Charge/discharge Gauge.

in the Card is a lot of free space unused for just adding some infos

Anyone found a good solution for this yet?