Gauge widget color

Custom colors does not work in gauge widget.
Here is my gauge widget settings:

widget_type: gauge
title: Noise
units: “dB”
min: 0
max: 50
low_color: green
med_color: yellow
high_color: red
entity: sensor.netatmo_indoor_noise

and I get this:

If I remove color definitions I get this:

So why my color definitions not work?

Try using html colors, e.g. #aabbcc


Thank you!
This is working now.

widget_type: gauge
title: Noise
units: “dB”
min: 30
max: 100
low_color: 4CFF00
med_color: FFD800
high_color: FF0000
entity: sensor.netatmo_indoor_noise


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When I create a gauge widget on the normal dashboard everything shows as expected. However when I use a custom skin all I can see is the bar and title. The measurement and min/max values are not there. Does anyone know the attribute I need to add to see them?