Can i ask if anyone is familiar withe GC100 switch components in HA, the documenttation that comes isn’t really that concise.
I have the following in my configuration.yaml
# Global Cache RS232 > IP Device
port: 4999
And then i have the following under the switch: settings but i have no idea what to put in underneath it, cant find much help or documentation on it
Global Cache RS232
thanks in advance for any help
You mean like this? Gogole is your friend
Also be sure to read the pinned message on how to format configuration when posting here. The way you posted is useless if there is a spacing issue in your configuration.
hi @anon34565116 thats the documentation that i think is a bit poor, where exactly in the switch function can i add the commands, and it what format do the commands need to be for serial ?
(Nick Rout)
June 19, 2019, 2:27am
What commands? The platform exposes switches and binary sensors.
i use a Global Cache IP2SL interface to control my HDMI matrix, simple tect based commands are sent to switch the input and output.
I am not sure on how to put these into use using the gc100 switch
(Nick Rout)
June 19, 2019, 7:32am
Currently, only relays and ports configured to be digital inputs are supported in Home Assistant.
Does your device fit into those categories (ie relays and ports?).
(Nick Rout)
June 19, 2019, 7:56am
That does not seem to answer my question, I am not familiar with these devices, I am just trying to help. If you cannot answer
then what does make you think your device is capable of integration with home assistant?