Gd-dc5 tasmota HA

This is what I get, I can’t make sense of it but like I said I am pretty new.

I suspect this piece would help setting it up


Interesting so if I am reading this right:

GPIO13: Button
GPIO12: Relay
GPIO04: WFST (Whatever that means)

What F—ing Switch is This

Did some testing with GPIO4, When it is turned on it actually turns the Blue LED off leaving the led a dim red. GPIO5 as far as I can tell does nothing when turned on and off.

Did you happen to make any progress on this? I’m trying to figure it out as well…though mine is different than what was posted. Mine is a ESP8285 with a MCU in the mix. Mine pins are so far:

Relay = GPIO12 inverted
LED = GPIO13 inverted
Button = GPIO0

I have the same issue with the relay constantly triggering with the sensor circuit is closed. Thanks.

EDIT: A little more info on the sensor. When I close the circuit it causes the relay to do the opposite of whatever it was doing. If the relay was off, it’ll turn it on. If the relay is on, it’ll turn it off. Very odd.

I went ahead and just removed the MCU. I now have my sensor on GPIO13 and my relay on GPIO12. I followed Digiblur’s tutorial for the garage door. Now to install it this weekend.

Hi, Did anybody ever get this working ? I’m at the same point as enablingpenguin where I can turn the relay on/off but can’t see the open/closed sensor.

Hi, is your setup with removed MCU working correctly? I have same board with ESP chip and I would like to connect to my HA directly (without cloud)

Yes, mine is working correctly. Its been running reliably since I installed it. The picture below is how I hooked up the pins where the MCU was. @muzzak got his working as well, but he said he had to do his a little different than mine (possibly a different version?). Mine is running Tasmota.

Yeah mine is different to the one Crewski has. It looks like the picture enablingpenguin posted here with the TYWE3S on a card. On this board I found connecting Pin 2 to Pin 4 is what makes the LED go from Red (Open) to Blue (Closed). I also had to solder a bridge from Pin 6 to Pin 2 in order to get the sensor reed switch on GPIO13 to work.

Thanks for answers. I will try to remove the MCU and flash tasmota :wink:

I have flashed latest Tasmota without any problems. The relay was “clicking” forever as expected.
So I have desoldered MCU and connected pins as shown and now it is working! (Version with ESP chip)

I had little trouble configuring tasmota correctly

  • set relay to “momentary” (the gate has only one button for opening/closing)
  • set sensor to only show state (opening or closing reed switch was also toggling the relay)

So here is my working configuration:

Tasmota module configuration:
(18) Generic
GPIO12 Relay1
GPIO13 Switch1

I had to configure different MQTT topic for reed switch (sensor) as this is sending %topic%/cmnd/POWER1 (which also controls relay). Pulsetime (0.5sec) is for “momentary” behaviour.

In tasmota console:

switchmode 1
switchtopic gatestatus
pulsetime 5

Home assitant configuration:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Garage gate"
    command_topic: "garage/gate/cmnd/POWER"
    state_topic: "garage/gate/stat/POWER"
    retain: false

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Garage gate status"
    state_topic: "garage/gatestatus/cmnd/POWER1"
    device_class: garage_door

Thanks to all :+1:

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If you wanted to do a cover instead of switch and sensor, from Digiblur’s tutorial run the following commands:

switchmode2 1
poweronstate 0
setoption0 0
pulsetime1 10

Then setup the rule:

Rule1 on switch2#state=0 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status closed endon on switch2#state=1 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status open endon

Then turn on the rule:

Rule1 1

And finally in your configuration.yaml add the following code (this is directly from my config)

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Garage Door MQTT"
    command_topic: "cmnd/GarageDoor/POWER"
    state_topic: "stat/GarageDoor/status"
    availability_topic: "tele/GarageDoor/LWT"
    qos: 1
    payload_available: "Online"
    payload_not_available: "Offline"
    payload_open: "ON"
    payload_close: "ON"
    payload_stop: "ON"
    state_open: "open"
    state_closed: "closed"
    device_class: garage

Works perfectly for me! My %topic% is GarageDoor obviously.

Hi guys,

I’m trying to do the same but have a slightly different board again, I have tried flashing Tasmota but I can’t get it to connect, timeout errors. I can flash other Sonoff switches just fine.

Do I need to de-solder the MCU first?

What does the writing say on that chip at the bottom right, next to the antenna?

first line = ESP8265 (possibly ESP8263)
2nd line = 13201?
3rd line = GP19074
4th Line = UEPH???

best I can do

Wait, Ive done better…

1st = ESP8285
2nd = 132018
3rd = CP19974
4th = TUBPHPT92

OK it is an esp chip then! A lot of these devices are substituting a different chip that can’t yet be flashed.

I’ve tried flashing from the pins on the side, there not labelled but I figured power, and have tried tx/Rx both ways. I get timeout errors on both.

DIY mode, I can get it to broadcast it’s Itead******* SSID, I can connect to it but won’t load.