using the gdacs integration, I see this since updating to 109.4:
Unable to remove unknown dispatcher <bound method GdacsEvent._delete_callback
@exxamalte do you recognize this, please have a look what to do?
using the gdacs integration, I see this since updating to 109.4:
Unable to remove unknown dispatcher <bound method GdacsEvent._delete_callback
@exxamalte do you recognize this, please have a look what to do?
I haven’t seen that before, and after looking into the code I cannot think of a good reason how this would happen. That message basically indicates that the internal clean-up process of an entity that is going to be removed has failed.
thanks for getting back to me about this, I have since received another gdacs event…so it. night be working again.
though, oddly enough, where I used to receive feedreader events at each startup, that now has stopped, since using 109.4 (I thinks could be a minor update before that too)
- https://www.home-assistant.io/atom.xml
- https://hasspodcast.io/feed/podcast
- https://www.gdacs.org/xml/rss.xml
minutes: 15
max_entries: 5
won’t show me anything on the home-assistant or hasspodcast at all. this automation created persistent_notifications for these events:
- alias: Notify Rss feed updated
platform: event
event_type: feedreader
service: persistent_notification.create
title: >
message: >
{% set url = trigger.event.data.feed_url.split('https://')[1] %}
{% set source = {'www.home-assistant.io/atom.xml':'Home-assistant',
'hasspodcast.io/feed/podcast':'Hass podcast',
'www.gdacs.org/xml/rss.xml':'GDACS'} %}
![image](/local/various/rss_icon.png) {{as_timestamp(now())|timestamp_custom('%X %d-%b-%Y', true)}}: New Rss feed for [{{source[url]}}]({{trigger.event.data.link}})
notification_id: >
{% set url = trigger.event.data.feed_url.split('https://')[1] %}
{% set source = {'www.home-assistant.io/atom.xml':'Home-assistant',
'hasspodcast.io/feed/podcast':'Hass podcast',
'www.gdacs.org/xml/rss.xml':'GDACS'} %}
{% set suffix = trigger.event.data.title[0:5] %}
rss-feed-{{source[url] + '-' + suffix}}
but is awfully quiet lately…