GE Dimmer sensor issue

This is my first and only dimmer switch i configured with Aeon z-stick with HA (0.41)

I am able to turn on/off from the HA UI with out any problem.
When i turn on the dimmer physically HA show its on, but when i turn off physically it never changes back to off.

Becaz of this when i am remotely looking at HA ui I really don’t know if the dimmer switch is really on or not.

Do you know what the issue is?

I moved this device from my Vera to HA, in Vera it worked fine and I have many more dimmers and switches that i yet to move.

The zwave panel is new for 0.41. You should have another object displayed for the actual switch.

Yes i am aware of that, i posted this info just in case anyone want to know more details that help me fix this issue

There is an open issue for this ( for this.

As far as knowing if your dimmer is off or on, look at the other objects which should be listed as something like this “light.kitchen_dimmer_level_9_0” instead of “zwave.kitchen_dimmer_9” . You can see from the example below, my Living Room switch is Off and my Kitchen Dimmer is On.

If I select the dimmer switch from this view, I get the full history, switch, and dimmer control.