I’ve got six of the above light/motion switches. I’m able to successfully include them into Home Assistant using zwavejs/zwavejs2mqtt. However, then always include with no security.
When including, I’ve tried using the “Default” with “Force Security” selected, as well as the “S0 encryption” method. In both cases, the devices still end up with no security.
I have tried excluding the devices then re-including them, with the same result. I’ve searched for topics on this and other sites, with no success.
I am not expecting S2 security (they aren’t advertised as such), but these switches are Z-wave plus and should at least support S0.
Quite honestly, unless you’re dealing with a security device (motion sensor, Cover control (Garage), contact switch (Window or door intrusion detection) or alarm component like a keypad. Or otherwise need S0 for some reason… I wouldn’t bother. (I don’t take this same approach with S2 devices but that’s primarily because S2 does not come with the 3x more chatty performance penalty that S0 does…)
The other downside is that Zwave Direct Association only works between devices on the same security level - so they can now only direct associate with other S0 devices.
According to the ZWA product database, this device does not support any Security command classes. Unless you have documentation that says otherwise, then that would mean secure inclusion is not supported. There’s no requirement for Z-Wave Plus devices to support S0 security, AFAIK. There is a requirement for S2 support, but this is only for devices certified after April 2nd, 2017. Going back to that ZWA DB entry, this device was certified in 2016, so there’s no S2 requirement either.
I get what you’re saying I have 8 of these. I don’t use the motion sensors on them as security devices. To clarify unless they’re participating as part of an ALARM I don’t bother trying to force security