GE Plug-in Dimmer can't be configured

Having a bit of difficulty with a couple of new GE (Jasco) Plug-in SmarT Dimmers with 3.4a USB Charging. These are replacing a couple of old Linear plug-in dimmers. What I’m finding is that I can add the device just fine, and it gives me several entities – the Z-Wave product itself, and three Light entities – one for each of its AC outlets, and one for both.

However, I want to set some configuration options on the device and that’s where the problem occurs. In the Z-Wave Integration screen, I select the node, then go down to Node Configuration Options and click the dropdown – at which point the Home Assistant page I’m on stops responding. As soon as I click that dropdown, I can no longer scroll up or down on that page. I have to click some other form element in order to regain that functionality. I’ve tried in Chrome (Mac) and Safari, as well as the HA iOS app. Same deal.

I’d like to troubleshoot this issue, but failing that, I have not been able to find how to set Z-Wave configuration options outside of the Z-Wave Integration page in Configuration. I’m sure there must be something I can add to a config file somewhere?

(Oh, I should add, this is a Raspberry Pi with Aeotec Z-Stick, running HASS 2021.1.5)