GE Z-Wave Light Switch Seen, Works IRL, But Doesn't Work via hass

Hi, all. I recently installed home-assistant on my Raspberry Pi. I followed the instructions on this site to install openzwave and home-assistant. I’m using an Aeotec Gen 5 Z-Stick as the controller. As a test, I installed a GE/Jasco 12727 light switch to control my porch lights.

Manually, the switch works just fine. The Z-Stick and the switch also paired fine, and I can see it under “Switch” in the home-assistant web interface.

In the web interface, I can also move the switch on and off, but it doesn’t do anything to the light itself. However, I see the POST action and the state_changed event in the logs.

lsof on the driver shows only hass having control.

Is there something I’m missing on the configuration.yaml? Do I have to do anything with openzwave configuration?

Log output from turning on/off, and the configuration.yaml file are below.


Turning on:
Apr 11 20:47:38 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service=turn_on, domain=homeassistant, service_data=entity_id=switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3, service_call_id=1981451600-3>
Apr 11 20:47:38 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service=turn_on, domain=switch, service_data=entity_id=[‘switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3’], service_call_id=1981451600-4>
Apr 11 20:47:38 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1981451600-4>
Apr 11 20:47:38 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1981451600-3>
Apr 11 20:47:38 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.components.http:“POST /api/services/homeassistant/turn_on HTTP/1.1” 200 -
Apr 11 20:47:38 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3, new_state=<state switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3=on; friendly_name=Front Lights, node_id=3 @ 13:47:38 11-04-2016>, old_state=<state switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3=off; friendly_name=Front Lights, node_id=3 @ 13:41:35 11-04-2016>>
Apr 11 20:47:38 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=group.all_switches, new_state=<state group.all_switches=on; hidden=True, entity_id=(‘switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3’,), auto=True, order=0, friendly_name=all switches @ 13:47:38 11-04-2016>, old_state=<state group.all_switches=off; hidden=True, entity_id=(‘switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3’,), auto=True, order=0, friendly_name=all switches @ 13:41:35 11-04-2016>>

Turning off:
Apr 11 20:48:17 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service=turn_off, domain=homeassistant, service_data=entity_id=switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3, service_call_id=1981451600-5>
Apr 11 20:48:17 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service=turn_off, domain=switch, service_data=entity_id=[‘switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3’], service_call_id=1981451600-6>
Apr 11 20:48:17 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1981451600-6>
Apr 11 20:48:17 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1981451600-5>
Apr 11 20:48:17 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.components.http:“POST /api/services/homeassistant/turn_off HTTP/1.1” 200 -
Apr 11 20:48:17 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3, new_state=<state switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3=off; friendly_name=Front Lights, node_id=3 @ 13:48:17 11-04-2016>, old_state=<state switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3=on; friendly_name=Front Lights, node_id=3 @ 13:47:38 11-04-2016>>
Apr 11 20:48:17 raspberrypi hass[1481]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=group.all_switches, new_state=<state group.all_switches=off; hidden=True, entity_id=(‘switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3’,), auto=True, order=0, friendly_name=all switches @ 13:48:17 11-04-2016>, old_state=<state group.all_switches=on; hidden=True, entity_id=(‘switch.ge_unknown_type4952_id3033_switch_3’,), auto=True, order=0, friendly_name=all switches @ 13:47:38 11-04-2016>>


  # Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
  name: Home
  # C for Celcius, F for Fahrenheit
  temperature_unit: F
  # Pick yours from here:
  time_zone: America/Los_Angeles

  #Customize must be within homeassistant
      friendly_name: Front Lights

# View all events in a logbook

# Track the sun

# Show links to resources in log and frontend

# Allows you to issue voice commands from the frontend

# Enables support for tracking state changes over time.

# Enables the frontend

# Checks for available updates

# Discover some devices automatically

  usb_path: /dev/zwave
  config_path: /usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/libopenzwave-0.3.0b8-py3.4-linux-armv7l.egg/config
  polling_interval: 10000

Looks like my polling_interval was set to high. I dropped it to 1000 and it’s working well now.