GeigerCounter RadiationD

Hi, I need help.
What multiplier should I give:

RadiationD-v1.1 CAJOE module
Geiger Tube: J321


  - platform: pulse_counter
    pin: D5
    name: "${friendly_name} test"
    update_interval: 60s
    unit_of_measurement: 'µSv/h'
    accuracy_decimals: 4
      rising_edge: DISABLE
      falling_edge: INCREMENT
      - multiply: 0.00812037037037 #


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Try to search at this site:

But as far as i can see, there is no info for J321

Also you mat try to read here:
for the CAJOE module.


I think I have the right values:

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Depending on the geographical location, the background radiation may vary within certain limits. For example, for Kyiv, in Ukraine, these figures can be from 0.1 mkSv / hour to 0.26 mkSv / hour.
At the same time, the normal level is considered to be 0.3 mkSv / hour. Dangerous - above 0.6 mkSv / hour.
Thus, it depends on the norms for your area and its features and the history of radiation pollution in the past (read the Chernobyl disaster) or man-made objects nearby.
Also important for consideration are the doses of human radiation exposure per year set at the national level in different countries.
To verify that your device is working properly, it is advisable to compare the measurements with an calibrated device that you trust.

Which values u use now?
From where you got then?

Values ​​from this video.
And they can be compared with the hydrometeorological office.

However, as I have a sensor in the cellar, the values ​​may not be correct or higher than outdoors.

final version post in slovak-czech forum: